The Finishing Line
God took me from somewhere which I have to remember the place He brought me from, and He is taking me to somewhere known as the Finishing line known as Heaven. All your efforts in the house of God; praising God, putting offering, paying tithes and obeying God's word is a race that you are running in the world to at last gain Heaven.
This sermon is not for those who have not started but is to those who have started it, that have to run to the end.
You have started the race but if you can't get to the end that means you are more than Israel. God designed a journey for the Israelites but they couldn't reach at the expected time. But thank God who had helped them at the end to reach their destination.
Three heading to be discussed

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1. Race : There is a resting at the Finishing line, if you are able to run. Race is indefinite. Paul the apostle said there is a rest at the Finishing line and that there is a crown. In times of difficulties hold on to God don't look back , for God will rescue you. When you get to the Finishing line God will uphold you.
2. Refreshment: There is always a refreshment at the Finishing line. In this journey of the kingdom there is a finishing line, God will never forget you but one thing I tell you hold onto God for you will rejoice at the end.
I am seeing the earth here as the Finishing line, some of our parent died they reached theirs, it is now yours. One day Peter said to Jesus "for all we have done by leaving everything to follow you, what will be our reward" but Jesus said unto "I will return unto you in hundred folds"

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3. Family: He who runs the race their families won't meet them at the beginning but at the end of the race. For all the things you are doing, forsaking the world and it's belongings; passing through tribulations, trials and temptations you will meet your family which is the host of Angels in heaven waiting to celebrate with you telling you well done from the race. On the last day you will meet your saviour and the host of heaven celebrating with you. But I said to you hold on to your faith to achieve these things .
I leave this words with you, don't allow anything to distract you to fall from your right path, hold on to God to achieve the Crown. I pray for God's ability to be sufficient unto you to reach your designed destination in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen.
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