in HeartChurch3 years ago


"And he said to them: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)

These are the words that a lifeguard on the beach would say when meeting
His role, he looks at her from his high seat and if he observes the presence of sharks, dangers or animals, he will blow the whistle, if those who swim or surf ignore the whistle, he has fulfilled his responsibility and now the responsibility will fall on swimmers, surfers, bathers.

In the bible, we find that the work of a watchman in ancient times was a very important responsibility like that of a lifeguard. The watchman's job was simply to search for the enemy. When the watchman observed that the enemies were approaching, he would blow the trumpet, so that those who lived within the city would prepare for battle. So today, every Christian has that job.

Our job as disciples of Jesus Christ is to announce the good news of salvation to those who have known the truth and who are sentenced to eternal punishment. The Lord has given us the job of being a watchman. That is my responsibility as followers of Jesus Christ, if we do not do the work as a watchman and do not alert the lost and keep silence, one day we will be sued by God himself.

God will hold us responsible for those with whom we were able to share the truth and did not. I know that the job is not to force people to accept eternal life in God, our only responsibility is to blow the trumpet with our testimony and give those around us the opportunity to choose.
If people do not accept to recognize Jesus as their savior, we have saved our responsibility even if he or she entered into spiritual separation.

Today as the watchman I must be ready and persistent. Today I need to do my job and try to warn the lost of the danger they are in, tell them that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life

Day by day, the danger approaches to devour my family, neighbors and friends, who walk outside the spiritual cover of God and on the way to the second death. Those of us who now know the truth of the gospel of God cannot remain indolent, lose sensitivity. Today we have a commitment and I want to fulfill my responsibility. Friend (a) I announce to you, that this is the day of salvation and this is the acceptable day.

Do not follow that wrong path and turn to the Lord so that you have eternal life in Christ Jesus.

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; And he who wins souls is wise.
(Proverbs 11:30)

God bless you greatly

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