**Learning to delegate Part II**

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Let's review some tips for delegating

1. Select the right person for the job.
There are two reasons for choosing the right one: the individual is the best qualified and can achieve the best results. Or the individual will be the most benefited by learning from this experience by taking the job. The project will contribute to their experience and development, which the company will benefit from later.

2. Give him enough information.
It presents a global perspective of what you intend, so that the person to whom you are going to delegate the work can visualize how the work fits into the entire operation. Do not hoard information for yourself. Determine how success will be known so that the new manager has a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve. Point out the win-win and what's in it for this person in this project.

3. Delegate the entire job to one person and give them full responsibility.
This will heighten the individual's interest in the project and give them a deeper sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when the task is completed. However, the ultimate responsibility rests with you. When you delegate something to someone, make sure that others know that you have given the responsibility and authority to that individual, and that they are free to work and achieve the results.

4. Focus on the results, not the process.
Delegate responsibility, not work, many managers or directors confuse delegating responsibilities with taking work off and giving it to others. When you assign someone a project, please allow me the freedom to exercise their initiative. Focus on what you want, and let him or her develop the methodology of how to reach the goal. There are some exceptions in this regard. For example, if you work in an industry that requires strict control over certain processes and procedures, which must be followed, then the "how" will be important.

5.Delegate through dialogue.
Don't do your talking all the time, and don't do it in the hallway. Delegate in an environment that allows you to make a complete explanation of the project. Minimize interruptions and allow plenty of time for dialogue. Engage the person in the discussion and encourage their comments and suggestions.

6.Establish deadlines based on responsibility.
Don't leave dates by which work must be completed uncertain or unbounded. Don't say, can you get this to me as soon as possible? Or, please do this whenever possible. Be specific about when you want the work to be completed. "I trust you will take full responsibility for getting this done by May 31. If you have any problems or need help you know how to reach me, please contact me."

7. Set dates for review.
If you don't check the progress of the project, then you will not have delegated the work but you will have thrown it away! Bring a plan to help you review each job you've delegated. Ask the person in charge to report the progress of the task on the dates that both negotiated.

8.Offers positive and constructive feedback.
Don't focus on what's wrong, but rather on what can be done to make it better. "Looks like there's a problem here." What do you need to do to get me back on track?

9. Provide the necessary resources**.
Clarify whether the work involves more people or resources than are needed to complete the work. "Talk to Juan in the accounting department. Susana can get you what you need."

10.Offers guidance and advice without interfering
Point out the obstacles that can be found. "You may need to push Ricardo in evangelism, to keep the project on track"

11.Establish the parameters, conditions and terms before delegating.
Don't impose controls after it has delegated something. Manifest it immediately.

12.Don't let them delegate your job back to you.
If someone brings you a problem, you can listen without taking responsibility for solving the problem. The person may stop you in the hallway to ask what you think. Turn the question around with a What do you think? Or if the person asks if it is possible to postpone the deadline for another week. Again return to him saying Is it possible? Will this help us reach our goal? Or you can ask questions like: What recommendations do you have to handle the situation? In other words, don't bail him out. In your dialogue, keep the focus on this person and don't let them shift the responsibility back to you.

13.Give full discretion and credit to the person who completes the job.
Don't keep the credit. And if the person in charge did not achieve the task, you assume the responsibility. If the person has not fully developed their skills
How to get the job done, you as the executive in charge can take responsibility for it. Learn from experience so you can delegate more effectively next time.

God bless you greatly.

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