A few thoughts on the vaccine

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)


On Dec. 8, 2020, the 1st person in the United Kingdom was vaccinated against coronavirus after the first vaccine against it was officially licensed for the first time in the world. The person vaccinated was 90-year-old Margaret Keenan, who was vaccinated with BNT162b2, a genetic mRNA vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech.

Before I share my thoughts with you right away, I want to say one thing up front. It has come to my attention that the issue of Corona is not only dividing society, but also dividing the community. I'm sure many of you feel the same way I do, that you experience church services being attended significantly less, probably because of fear of the virus. I also regularly see brothers and sisters on facebook arguing over the issue of Corona and sometimes calling each other nasty names. It ranges from people who are panic-stricken about the virus to people who believe the virus doesn't even exist. I think the virus does exist, but it's not the killer virus it's made out to be. But that's not my point here right now. Regardless of where you stand, I hope my thoughts help you evaluate vaccination.

I have educated myself as best I can about this new vaccination procedure using the genetic vaccines. This procedure has never been used in humans and the side effects or long term effects are unknown. It is often feared that the vaccine could have an influence on our DNA. Together with a Digital Identity, as it will presumably come through a digital vaccination card, and a digital currency, it has the potential to very surely become the mark of the beast, even more so if the fusion of brain and artificial intelligence is then achieved. Even though vaccination is now being sold to us as voluntary, mandatory vaccination is already being demanded and I can imagine that many of you are genuinely concerned about this, as is the case with fellow believers worldwide.


My point today is to bring some clarity from the Bible. Let's look at Revelation:

"And there bring all, both small and great, and rich and poor, and free and bond, to have a mark put upon their right hand, or upon their foreheads; and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is the wisdom. He who has understanding, calculate the number of the beast! For it is the number of a man; and his number is 666" (Revelation 13:16-18).

Here we see the criteria for the mark. It is on the right hand or on the forehead and without it you will not be able to buy or sell. These two conditions must be met. By the way, the mark does not come until the tribulation. What I see today is the preparation for it. If I want to enter a store anywhere in the world today, I must wear a mask. Without the mask, I cannot buy or sell, however, the mask is not on my right hand or forehead. The mask does not fulfill the criterion for the mark, although it is a harbinger and forerunner. We are supposed to be so polarized to the mask that even the WHO already recommends that we wear it at home when we have visitors.

The Australian airline Qantas requires a vaccination proof since 2021, which is not negotiable, without vaccination no flight. When it gets to the point where vaccination against the coronavirus becomes mandatory and you can't enter a store without vaccination, it will also require proof of vaccination. Only when it has to be worn on the right hand or on the forehead (chip or tattoo) is the criterion from Revelation 13:16-18 for the mark fulfilled. However, this will also be linked to the worship of the Antimessiah and at the latest then force even the last one to finally decide for one side.


In the UK, the vaccination was the first to be available, the USA and EU quickly followed, others too. Bahrain has already approved it. Israel is way ahead in vaccinating through with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. With this development, this threat is getting closer and closer and I can well imagine that it makes most of you uncomfortable, I certainly feel that way.

However, even the vaccine remains "only" a precursor to the mark as long as it is not necessary to buy or sell and proof must be worn on the right hand or forehead. I can well imagine that in the future it will be a part of the mark, but now it is not the mark. So we need not be afraid of the vaccine in the sense of losing our salvation. For there is no more salvation for those who bear the mark (Revelation 20:4-6).

Even if the vaccine by itself (without a chip or tattoo,...) cannot threaten our salvation, I still strongly advise you not to volunteer for vaccination when it starts in our countries. I am not perse against vaccination per se, but for these new vaccines I have quite logically understandable reasons. The procedure is new and has never been used in humans before, even though there have been years of trying to get genetic vaccines approved. I assume this has failed so far for good reason. The side effects and long-term effects are not yet well understood. Recognized experts who warn against this are muzzled. They fear a change in our DNA and autoimmune reactions. We are also told that this vaccine was developed in less than a year. Normally it takes about 10 years for vaccines to be approved, some take as long as 28 years. Now one was developed and approved in 10% of that time.

In addition, I experience how worldwide consciously fear and panic are spread and violent measures are taken. If I would only pay attention to this, I would assume that we would already have several million deaths in my home country Germany alone. But these have so far, thank God, failed to materialize. If one now assumes that the measures taken would have prevented this, I would like to point out that Sweden and Belarus, for example, did not take any measures in the spring and still got through it similarly well. It is also striking how illnesses from corona have declined in China. All this shows me that the goal behind the vaccine cannot be population protection in the first place.


Of course, each of us must decide for ourselves whether to get vaccinated voluntarily. I can only ask you not to do it for the understandable reasons mentioned above.

I am sure that Yeshua will come very soon and this whole haunting will end for us very soon. Let's face it, how close does he have to be right now? He bless you, protect you and give you his peace!


You are absolutely right! Moreover we should be grateful that we are blessed with good health and are surviving this pandemic. My country's condition is deteriorating, we are just praying for diseased and their families. It is heart wrenching to see people being helpless. I am super curious how china got rid of all this so easily and are leading normal life whereas rest of the world is still struggling?
I pray this pandemic should pass soon and we all should be free like a bird also work and lead life normally.
Hope you and your loved ones are healthy :)

There really is a lot going on, and this pandemic seems to me to have an artificial cause.

To be honest, these vaccination serums worry me much more than the coronavirus itself, so I also advise everyone around me to strictly reject these vaccinations and everything else that elitist circles have in store for us, and I am grateful that relatives and friends of mine share this attitude.

I agree , it surely has an artificial cause. as far as medicine is concerned, I haven't had it yet and won't have it just will stay at home, quarantines and hope for situations to get better.

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