Find God

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Jeremiah 29
13 and you will seek me and find me, because you will seek me with all your heart.


How many have ever heard phrases like "God forgot me" or "God has left me alone", "God does not listen to me", it is common for people to say this when they go through a process and find no apparent solution. But in this verse from Jeremiah we can see that if we seek God with all our hearts we will find Him.

God keeps his promises because his word says that he is not a man to lie, and if we find this promise it is because it is real and we know then that if we genuinely seek him with all our hearts, then we can find him.

God does not abandon his children, he is available to us, to listen to us, to help us, but we must look for him, take that step to find him, God does not pretend to be deaf, nor does he forget us, we are the ones who cannot see or listen to him because we are focused on life situations and put spiritual things aside.

Anyone who seeks God will always find him, God hears our prayers, even if it seems that He is silent, nor is it like that, He is attentive to us, do not be left alone with thinking that attending a church is enough, no, looking for God goes beyond that, it is to do it with all genuineness, with all our heart, with our whole being, it is the way to be found, an intimate relationship with God will allow you to listen to him and live under his will.

Reading the bible, praying, fasting, all of this is important, put all your heart to seek him and establish a relationship with God where you learn to listen to him and to let himself be guided by him to guide your life.

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