Faith must be established in our lives

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Greetings my brothers the peace of God with you meditating on the bible we can find wisdom and that is why he sent you this special text that refers to the faith of all of us and the bible of this in this text of the new testament.

“Jesus told them: Because of your little FAITH; because truly I tell you, that if you have FAITH as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you”
Matthew 17:20

Stay focused on your dreams, believing that if it is the Will of God, the promise and fulfillment of it in your life you will see.
May your Faith be Unbreakable, if your dream is to go to nations, to the nations you will go.


The Key is to Trust in God's Plans and Believe that God has all the Control, even if the circumstances are adverse, do not fear that his presence goes with you.

The important thing is to maintain that confidence to endure that test that we pass firmly, always advancing the spiritual level, growing with impetus and making life rules that drive not only us but others around us.


It only remains to do our part so that we apply pertinent changes and see the things that are not as if they were, feed the soul, the spirit and the being with the word faith God, which does not fill everything so that the fullness of God dwells in that that you want it.


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