in HeartChurch3 years ago

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One potent way the devil seeks to get men incapacitated is by making them give in to his deceitful lies of their weaknesses .

The devil is a trickster; if he was sincere, why does he not seek to highlight your areas of strength? Why does he seek to focus on your weaknesses? It’s all because he seeks to make you feel incapable of the goodies promised you by lord.

He wants to make you feel so undeserving to the intent that you will quit believing God and you will give it up. No matter how he comes, no matter the awful feelings he generates in your body, no matter how convincing he becomes, you must not give into whatever he has to say.

He is a liar and the father of lies. When you feel weak, that is the time to claim God’s divine strength; Apostle Paul got it right when he proclaimed- “When I am weak, then am I strong”.


Your capability for all things is not on the basis of what you can do on your own. Scriptures affirm – _“I can do all things through Christ that Strengthens me” {Philippians 4:15}.“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” {Philippians 2:13}.

If it has to do with God and the strength he gives; what does the devil think he is doing, making you feel so in capable? Thank God, we don’t live by our feelings, we live by faith.

If God’s word says I am strong, then, I have no reason whatsoever staying inclined to any feeling of weakness. If God is at work in me and he doesn’t ever get tired, then, it is certain that I cannot fail.

What is the devil up to, by making you feel so undeserving and incapable of getting to the height divinely earmarked for you? Your getting to any height earmarked for you by God is informed by the availability of God’s grace.

Grace is God’s riches made available to us at christ’s expense.with the promise of the sufficiency of God’s grace at all times; somebody is lying, making you feel incapable and undeserving and that is your adversary the devil.

Standing on the ground of the grace in your hour of need, will see you through and put you over.

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