in HeartChurch4 years ago



When God gave Moses the task of building the tabernacle; He gave him all that he needed for the work. He gave him the men and he opened up the hearts of the people to respond favorably to the demands of the project. As Moses progressed with the work; God kept emphasizing for him to ensure it was according to the pattern which He had showed unto him.

Moses was not to do his own; he was to build according to a divine pattern which the Lord made known unto him. As soon as Moses put an end to the building of the tabernacle, the Lord responded by filling the temple with His glory. So great was the cloud of God’s glory that came upon the tent of the congregation; that, “Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exodus 40:35). Can you imagine God’s awesome response to the work executed by Moses?

God will always respond to any work that is anchored on His instructions. God has not changed; with Him there is no variableness neither any shadow of turning. If you seek His response in any sphere of your operations in life; go after His instructions and give yourself over to obeying them in all their forms and ramifications. It doesn’t matter how it sounds; stay yielded to the Word and you will secure God’s response. It doesn’t matter still, how unreasonable it is; give yourself over to it and you will have God respond to you beyond reasoning. The truth of our relationship with God is obvious; you cannot contact God by your reasoning, you can only contact Him by your faith.


Faith is taking God by His Word. Even when it doesn’t seem workable, stay with it, it shall produce works in your life which men shall gather to celebrate. Even when obeying it makes you look foolish before men; by it you shall secure God’s awesome response and men shall turn around to hail the wisdom in your “foolishness”. Moses followed the pattern that the Lord showed him and he got God to respond. Are you following the pattern you have seen in the Word of God or you are following the pattern you are seeing around? Are you doing your own or you are doing that which God has outlined in His Word? If you truly seek God’s response; then, go after Him in the light of His Word.


Thanks buddy, this is indeed great work, building according to pattern. Thanks for sharing with us.

Welcome and God bless you.

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