Be contented!

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Be contented with what God has given you, don't try to go beyond your limits and sin against God in the process.

When God blesses you and you are contented but still try to go beyond your limits, you'll definitely be tempted to steal, dube, lie or even kill to get what you think you deserve.

Working hard to achieve more Wealth is certainly not bad but how do you go about it?
What's your motive behind your effort?
What prompts your urge to look for more Wealth?

Some of this acts of greed starts from our infant years, some of us had no good parental guidance to restrict us, some had but vehemently refused to adhere this results in what we are seeing I our today's world.

Learn to be contented in life so you'll live long and keep fulfilling the purpose of God in your life!

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