(Esp /Eng) Vale la pena esperar./The wait is worth it

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Todos hemos pasado instantes de espera en el Señor., de una u otra forma hemos pedido algo a Dios y dicha contestación en muchas situaciones ha tardado, no ya que Dios tarde para contestar, sino ya que el sabe la era indicado o es decir perfecto para responder. Probablemente alguna vez de tu vida cristiana has sentido como Dios te otorgó una vasta perspectiva de lo cual realizaría contigo o lo cual realizaría en tu vida


Habacuc 2:3 Aunque la visión tardará aún por un tiempo, mas se apresura hacia el fin, y no mentirá; aunque tardare, espéralo, porque sin duda vendrá, no tardará. Reina-Valera 1960

En el antiguo tiempo vemos a un Abraham que tuvo que aguardar décadas para ver cumplida su promesa. No es por desalentarte, pero si Abraham que era considerado amigo de Dios tuvo que aguardar varios años para ver concretado su sueño, ¿Cuánto tiempo tendremos que aguardar esos que frecuentemente no estamos siendo amigos de Dios?

Quizá tu estés pasando por uno de aquellos procesos en donde la perspectiva esta tardando mas de lo planeado, de aquellos instante en donde otorgan triunfos de gritar al cielo y preguntar: “¿Qué paso?”, de aquellos instantes que he vivido en muchas situaciones y que en instante definido me han llevado a casi desalentarme en ver cumplida dicha perspectiva o sueño.

Dios observara cada una de tus ocupaciones ve tu corazón para saber si son actividades que son elaboradas por un corazón franco y transparente en el que no hay un interés de por medio, sino que mas bien esta cumpliendo con su parte.

The wait is worth it.

We have all spent moments waiting for the Lord, in one way or another we have asked God for something and this response in many situations has taken time, not because God takes time to answer, but because he knows the time indicated or ie perfect to answer. Probably at some time in your Christian life you have felt how God gave you a vast perspective of what he would do with you or what he would do in your life


Habakkuk 2:3 Though the vision will linger a while yet, but it hastens to the end, and will not lie; Although it will take time, wait for it, because without a doubt it will come, it will not take long. Reina-Valera 1960

In the old time we see an Abraham who had to wait decades to see his promise fulfilled. It is not to discourage you, but if Abraham, who was considered a friend of God, had to wait several years to see his dream come true, how long will those of us who are often not being friends of God have to wait?

Perhaps you are going through one of those processes in which the perspective is taking longer than planned, of those moments in which they grant triumphs of shouting to the sky and asking: "What happened?", of those moments that I have lived in many situations and that at a defined moment have led me to almost discourage myself from seeing that perspective or dream come true.

God will observe each one of your occupations and see your heart to know if they are activities that are elaborated by a frank and transparent heart in which there is no interest involved, but rather it is doing its part.

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