Vain Glory
Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
The natural man is full of strife and inordinate affection for vain glory. It's not uncommon to see him crave for praises from people.
This desire for vain glory leads to strife and with the intrusion of pride the natural man is destroyed spiritually, which manifest physically as demotion or failure.
But today, the Lord sounds a warning to us: FLEE FROM STRIFE AND VAIN GLORY.
Brethen, you have to crucify the flesh and discard the desire for self exaltation. You have to destroy the thoughts that you are better than others, in anyway.
The truth is, we are all equal before God and He chooses who to lift up, when, how and where.
Thus, the craze for self-esteem and the pride of life is the world system setting a trap for us to fall into separation from God. God resists the proud!
Look at that gateman of yours as a better person, not just a common gateman. Look at that sales girl, housemaid, market woman or that jobless neighbor as a better person.
If God decides to bless them more than you, it won't take the Almighty up to a second to do so, for a thousand years is like a day before the Lord of glory.
Let's pray together.
Dear Father, thank you for giving us your word today. Please deliver us from strife and vain glory, make us humble before you till our days on earth are over, in Jesus name. Amen.