Do not Repair Evil for Evil.

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

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So yesterday happens to be the 11th day in the 11th month 2021.
And in Nigeria we have this word for the day and we just tag it 11/11.
It's always a day of tears and gnashing of teeth.
I can remember those days in secondary when a senior student will give you 20 naira and expects you to buy the whole World for her then as if that was not enough he or she asks you to bring back change.
Ah! This is wickedness at it's peak.
Most times when this day comes the junior student prefers staying at home 🏠🏠 than to go receive all those cruel punishment.

The funny thing is that some of the senior students that exert this punishment has in one way or the other been punished when they were in the junior class and for some reasons they vowed to do same when they are in the senior class.
This is too disheartening.

Now I ask doing this to the junior ones to relieve of the pains you went through when you were a junior student does it change anything?
The answer is No.
You know this senior student are so blinded with range and pride that they aren't seeing that the junior student they punished would likely grow up to do same to their siblings or cousins if they are in that school or even relatives.
No wonder the bible clearly states that no one should repair evil for evil but rather it should be the other way round. Repaying evil with good. Less if we don't do it that way evil will continue to prevail and no one will ever learn to be good.

I see people in higher rank punish other people all for the excuse that they we were treated same now how would we all learn?
How would one see that one can as well be good in this cruel and wicked world.

I can remember when my little nephew hurt me by crying because I ate just Little crumps of his indomie (noddles) and i was so angry with him and vowed to do same to him.
Now along the line my younger sister treated my little nephew badly, she actually repaired him for what he did to her. And my immediate junior sisterscolded her that she isn't teaching him the right thing, that he might probably grow up that evil governs the world and that revenge is the key to show your anger. On hearing this my heart melt and I said to myself I won't do what I planned to do again to the little boy and for that day I learnt that it isn't good to repay evil with good because one way or the other people we will learn.

I hope this meets you well?

I remain


Thanks for engaging my blog
Much love

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