in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)



In my previous post, we were enlightened on the pathway to Victory. Everyone on earth desire victory over a particular challenges in their lives and can also obliged to any strategy or ways of obtaining Victory.

We layed a foundation in our previous post, that your savational experience is the foundation and the access you need to receive this victory in all ramifications of life, if you have not read it, you can click

So the first pathway to Victory that has been effective over time when utilized effectively is the pathway of PRAYER.

Hold on a minute, don’t blank out on this point already with the assumption that you know prayer or you have been praying. If only we know what a great and mighty strength and power we emit through prayer, we won’t let the devil make us prayerless.

....our refusal to pray is the doom of our life and destiny.

We have been deluded to stop praying because we have not gotten the answers to a particular need, hence neglecting the other needs our prayer is meeting. Therefore our refusal to pray is the doom of our life and destiny. Because that is what the devil is waiting for. Most of us are been sustained now in our state of prayerlessness by the prayers of others interceding for us.

The man who is not praying is only playing and can end up becoming a prey to the devil if he refuses to awake.

The man who is not praying is only playing and can end up becoming a prey to the devil if he refuses to awake. This year is tough brethren and only the prayerful can escape from the storm and clinch to VICTORY.


I know your answer will be, its a means of communicating to God and a means of making our request known to God. I agree with you, but prayer is bigger than that. If I may ask, how many of us hear God talk back to us after prayers?

The percentage might be minimal, and that is one of the reasons why we are not seeing the results of our prayers. Most times we only complain while talking to God without waiting to hear from HIM.

Waiting is another dimension of prayer many are neglecting.

If you must hear Him after prayers, you must “WAIT”. Waiting is another dimension of prayer many are neglecting. The principle of greater height, speed and victory is your capacity to wait.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they will receive strength to mount up with wings as eagles in times of danger; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Prayer strengthens our faith and services our spiritual life. At our prayer group, God told us that this year the love, prayer, and study life of many will wax cold, because the devil knows he has lost the battle over the praying man.

Prayer builds you up spiritually: Jude 20

There is a mystery of prayer many seem not to understand hence they believe prayer is difficult. Although it is the hardest thing to do, but there is a system we can rely on that makes us pray always without ceasing in accordance to 1 Thessalonians 5:17, do you care to know?

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26

Prayer strengthens our faith and services our spiritual life.

We will not know what prayer and how effective prayer is until it is made by the Holy Spirit. God knows that there are times we will be weak, so He sent us a partner who knows our hearts enough to make intercessions with yearnings or groaning too deep for utterance.

You don’t know what prayer can give you until you pray. When you become a praying man, you literally pray every time without ceasing. How? Your Spirit prays even if physically you are busy or sleeping.

Once in a while, you can feel the vibration of the utterance in the Spirit and you see yourself speaking in tongues impromptu without plan. It is just a sign to reveal to you the koinonia going on in your Spirit. Even when we gather to pray in church, you are not coming to enter His presence, His presence is already in you. All you do is just continue to experience the flow of intimacy.

When you become a praying man, you literally pray every time without ceasing.


Prayer gave me a house for free during my Hnd. During my Hnd 1, I stayed at my fellowship secretariat, and the rule for accommodating new students is that the maximum of 1 year academic calendar is allowed of which, the individual will get another accommodation. When my fellowship moved their secretariat from a paid apartment where I was to her own house close to the fellowship worship center, we had to stay back until the rent expires then help ourselves out.

prayer is a mystery, for it is a divine strategy given to man to be able to navigate through the storms of life in victory.

Behold I was left stranded with no money to get an apartment and nobody to stay with. I began to pray for divine help and assistance.

One day, a course-mate of mine came visiting at the old fellowship house, which is now empty except for some mattress, my belongings and that of few others. My friend couldn’t go back that night, so he passed the night with me.

According to him because I was not aware of what happened, that I started speaking in tongues. He touched me but saw how serious I am, he had no choice than to join me in prayers.

This experience lasted between 10 to 15 minutes, I then lay back on the bed to sleep. When he told me this experience the next morning, I was surprised because I was never aware of what happened. He then concluded that his prayer life will experience a boast if we stay together. That was how we became roommates and best of friends till date. Just because the Spirit prayed through me unknowingly to me.

Brethren, prayer is a mystery, for it is a divine strategy given to man to be able to navigate through the storms of life in victory.

Prayer is the prerogative right given to man by the constitution of heaven, given him the legal backing to change things on earth in accordance to the will of God.

Prayer is the force that compels divinity to act over the affairs of man. Only if we can take the path of prayer, then we will become victorious this year.

For men ought to pray and not to faint. Lets pray.

CC: @steemcurator01
CC: @steemcurator02
CC: @steemcurator03
CC: @heartchurch
CC: @steemchurch
CC: @darlenysugas
CC: @maxdevalue


Thank for enlightening us on the importance of prayer

It's a privilege.
Thanks for going through my article

Lovely..thank you very much..prayer is the key.

You are most welcome.
Prayer is really the key

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