in HeartChurch3 years ago

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"So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust...... " Joel 2:25

Divine restoration is possible to those who believe. But it can't take place or be effective when one don't know what needs to be restored. There is no search when discovery have not been made. Before a search can be conducted, there must have been a discovery that something is no longer where it used to be.

Saul went in search for his father's ass in 1 Samuel 9:3 because a discovery was made that the ass was not where it's been kept. Until you know what has been lost, it can't be restored.

What is Restoration? The action of returning something to a former owner, place or condition. Then divine means something behind the natural or physical. These denotes that it is not in our will power to be restored but we also have a part to play for the restoration to be perfected.

The reason restoration is necessary is because things are no longer in the right place and conditions they used to be. The devil has succeeded in killing, stealing and destroying many destinies.

If you will be sincere with yourself, where you are now is not where you used to be, your zeal and hunger you had for God is no longer there. No passion for prayers and the word. Those days when you didn't pray a day it seems to you like something left you.

The devil has succeeded in taking away that gift of God from you. You used to prophesy, now it is no more. You were fervent in evangelism but now gossip has replace evangelism. You now gossip events, sports, fashion instead of gossiping Christ and His love.

The world's lifestyle has corrupted the seed of God in you and has now replaced the social events with God's time. Things have fallen apart in most lives just as the devil planned it, a lot are complacent having their gifts lost to the devil.

But I am pleased to announce to you that divine restoration is very possible. You have tried to break free by your strength, be informed that it is the Lord that will restore you to your position. The Lord will restore to you every spiritual, physical, emotional and other things the devil has taken from you.

God is not happy at the spiritual state of many today, hence He is offering divine restoration today.

Will you come? Take that step now.

CC: @steemcurator01
CC: @heartchurch

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