in HeartChurch3 years ago



Until God places a burden for prayer upon you, you will not graduate from the asking realm.

God is looking for intercessors. Men that will pray down the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Oh! That men will weep laying hold upon the horns of the altar, maximizing the advantage we have in the person of the Holy Spirit, and enforcing Spiritual defense upon territories, in other to breakforth.

How many can travail upon their knees to bring this terrain of evil occurrence into Spiritual court of heaven and demand justice.

We are engulfed with our passion for mundane things and the sole aim while we are here is been defeated.

Oh! How prince and Kings goes on feet while servant rides on horses. Ecclesiastes 10:7. What an abnormally in the society.

The church needs to arise again and confront the real enemy. The enemy sets us against ourselves and we are helping him by fighting ourselves, while he is busy advancing his terrain on earth.

And God cried, who is as blind as my prophet.

The prophet of old, took over the land, by telling the people the mind of God. Giving them the undiluted warning from the throne of the Immortals. They never called names and phone numbers yet men dreaded them. Anytime they appear the people know for certain the voice of God is here.

What is wrong with the church? Most of our meetings are mechanical and methodical. We have become so organized that we have literally organized God out of His church.

Many don't pray any more because they believe they have all things in God. Which is accurate, but what happens to praying without ceasing? Is it also an old testament doctrine that was taken away when grace came?

We forget that prayer is a weapon. Apostle Paul mentioned warfare in Ephesians 6:10 and itemized prayer as a means of Victory after been equipped with the requisite weapons.

How do many understand this scripture? Who taught them? That we have downplayed on prayer to our detriment.

God is looking for praying men. Men that will stand in the gap and weep for this country. Men are dying, we are not moved because it is not in our domain.

Mordecai told Esther, don't think as a queen you are safe in the palace. The death and destruction coming doesn't spare one's high ranking. So we must pray.

Become an intercessor. Pray! Pray!! Pray!!!. Let's take charge over this nation once again. God is looking for a resolute heart that will cry "if I perish, I perish, unto the nation is filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters covers the sea."

Arise saints of God, we must awake from our slumber! If we sleep, destruction will befall us as though there was no help for us in God.

Enough is enough.

Your title is not needed in this warfare, just a willing heart to see that evil is abated in this nation. Then you are duly enrolled.

Come one, come all. Let's stand on our post and see the kingdom prevail in our region and nations.

Much love from your brother.

Amb. John C. Joseph
God's Change Ambassador


Hello @exceptional20 .What an inapirational writeup .I pray God raise intercessors from all nations Cuz the evil today is far exceeding what we expect

You are right dear. I pray we can give up our lives to be watchmen on the tower.

This is quite true, in our generation today, we have thousands of youth are conversant with the word of God but are too busy making and accumulating wealth for themselves than to stand in the gap and send the devil parking out of their lives and that of their family.

May God empower us to be intercessors

Wow I got touched from this words of God

My dear. It's a burden.
God seeks for men. Men that will be used to voice out against evil in this generation.

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