The compassion of a Christ like soul winner

in HeartChurch2 years ago

A real and true soul winner must have compassion for his lost souls just like Christ had.

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It was the love of God and the compassion he had for this world that brought Jesus Christ into this to save it from doom.

This same love motivated him to move for those who where not saved by grace not minding the risk involved.

Anywhere Christ found sinners he was moved to share the light with them and he even wept for them because he new there where lost souls.

He manifested his love to all sinners and to those who where weary and heavy laden, the tempted, the needy as well.

Christ love flr this world was immeasurable and it was the perfect love and so sacrificial.

Thia this is the kind of love every soul winner I expected to show to his or her lost souls.

The love Christ shower to sit, backsliders won them back to God. And as such applies if we show the same love and compassion for the Lost souls.

Love and compassion are still very vital in winning souls for God today and you must exploit them.

God bless you and increase your coast as you go ourt for him and win the lost souls back into the kingdom, Amen.


Dios te bendiga @santiago56, asi es hay que predicar la palabra a tiempo y fuera de tiempo.

Thank you so much and God bless you for the stop by as well

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