Lost Message

in HeartChurch3 years ago

"Christ's atoning death was universal; that is, it was meant for all people who have ever lived, regardless of when or where. Thus, the gospel speaks to people of every language group, culture, and background. It bridges ethnic divides. It is the incredibly good news that Jesus, in His life, death, and resurrection, has triumphed over the principalities and powers of hell. The gospel is all about Jesus. He died for us and now lives for us. He came once to deliver us from the penalty and power of sin and is coming again to deliver us from the presence of sin. He died the death we deserve so that we can live the life He deserves. In Christ we are sanctified, and one day glorified.
The Bible focuses on the two comings of Jesus. He came once to redeem us and will return to take home what He has purchased at such an infinite cost. The Bible's last book, Revelation, was written especially to prepare the world for Jesus' return. It is an urgent message for this generation. In this week's lesson, we will study Revelation's relevance for a twenty-first-century contemporary society. Together we will discover anew Jesus' appeal to His last-day church to share this end-time message." - Adult Sabbath School, (Education) pg.96

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This piece tells us a little about the second coming of Christ.
The second coming of Christ is a message which has been preached across all nations for centuries and it's still being circulated now.
The passage is however more concerned about this generation. Though its been spread across all the world for many generations, this is the generation we find ourselves in.
The numerous activities, businesses and things going on in our current lives now have made us forget about this ultimate message(Christ's second coming).
It's not really a message we really talk about in churches anymore and even love to hear.
We mostly talk about wealth, success and other forms of prosperity in our churches and daily lives now. The message has simply lost it's power gradually.
The main reason/focus for serving God( finding eternal life or getting saved after Christ's second coming) is gradually leaving the minds of many believers. We've almost forgotten that there's something at stake, that we can lose our souls if we find ourselves wanting when Christ comes again.
We have forgotten to tell others about Christ's mercies and how He wants us to be with Him when He comes again.
It's sad to think that most of the time, people who call themselves christians do things that others who don't even know Christ also do; there's no difference between the two.

My point for this message is to remind us about the second coming of Christ. Since it's not something that we hear often these days, I'm using this opportunity to talk about it to us. Everything we do on this earth, whether we serve God or not will come to an end one day. It doesn't really make any sense anymore to talk about Christ's second coming because its been talked about for ages and yet nothing has happened; the message has 'lost" its power to the people who hear it. People even make fun of it now.

But I want to assure you, it will happen just as it's been said in the Bible and there's no two ways about that.
When Christ comes, it's either you get saved or damned, and I know nobody wants to suffer.
It's better we live our lives in truth and in fear, with this message in our heads that Christ can come any moment from now.
If we do this, we will be wary of the things we do to God and our fellow beings and get saved when Jesus appears again. I'll also urge anyone reading to keep spreading this mesdage, making others know how serious with it and by doing that, God will bless us.
Christ will come again!

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I hope you get inspiration from this message and May God be with us all 🌹✌🏽🙏🏾.

10% goes to @heartchurch


Calvary greetings @eosxiomara for that wonderful teaching about the ministry of our Lord , and Saviour , Jesus , the Christ.

But as we are admonished to share our minds to ensure an enduring Body of Christ , please permit me to note these observation which may not be in total synchrony with our views here .

The Scripture is replete with Gods demands on man for man's Perfection in Glory and natural Edification on this physical Earth. These are encapsulated in His several Commands .

To this extent, Jesus Restitution Death is ONLY an INVITATION to partake in God's Salvation Package; which MUST be accepted , and its terms , though not grievous , must be appropriated before Salvation Package can become REAL to ALL humanity .

Thus Jesus' Death and Resurrection does not avail Salvation automatically to All .

The above accounted for: "JUDGEMENT shall BEGIN from the CHURCH(Christians)", before those who died in their Unbelief.

If Salvation is for ALL unconditionally, Judgement is thus rendered unnecessary and innefective.

But this is obviously not the case .

More of God Blessing !! Amen.

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