Do you think you are superior?// 10% @heartchurch🌹

in HeartChurch2 years ago


Greetings brothers from the @heartchurch community.

What is humility?

The bible describes humility as meekness, humiliation and the absence of the ego. The Greek word translated "humility" in Colossians 3:12 and elsewhere literally means "lowliness of mind," so we see that humility is an attitude of the heart, not simply an outward behavior.

Romans 12:3 (NLT) "Based on the privilege and authority that God has given me, I warn each of you the following: don't believe yourself better than you really are. Be realistic when evaluating yourself, do it according to the measure of faith that God has given you.

Proverbs 30:12-14 NIV
There are those who believe they are perfect, but they are full of sin. There are those who think they are superior, and they look at everyone with contempt. There are those who love money so much that they despoil the poor and defenseless of this world; They take every cent from them, and leave them naked in the street.

Evaluate your behavior day by day and really be yourself.

We must not believe that we are better than we really are.
Pride can enter our lives without us realizing it, that is why it is good that from time to time we are reminded of where we come from and where the Lord Jesus Christ took us from; So we should not have a higher concept than the strictly correct one.


Let's be realistic when evaluating ourselves

Sometimes, without realizing it, we can let pride make us believe that we are better than others and when we are realistic, when we leave our closest circle, be it family, friends or co-workers, we realize that we are not that great. as we once thought.

Being blinded by pride, we do not realize many things and have a wrong perception of who we really are; we forget that the proud end up being humiliated.

"Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor. Proverbs 29:23 (NLT)."

Having a clear vision of who we are and to whom we owe our achievements is only achieved when we constantly seek God and ask him to take all pride in us.

Only when we recognize that everything we have and are we owe to God can we turn away from pride.

Humility is the only one that can overcome pride, The Lord rebukes pride more to the humble gives of his grace. Jesus is the greatest example of humility, let's be like Jesus.

let's be meek and humble of heart, blessings!! 🌹🌹

 2 years ago 

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