If you want it, you can do it

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Greetings HeartCHurch family. I share with you a new message of faith and personal growth. In life we ​​can achieve nothing if we do not have the slightest intention to act and believe God.

Many times we set goals that we do not achieve because we do not act. If we just take a first step towards what we want, we will surely get it. There are situations in which obstacles want to prevent us from progressing towards the goal, but we have to insist on what we want and not let ourselves be defeated by anything in the world.

There is an interesting story about the 12 spies that Moses sent to recognize the promised land, 10 of them arrived with a pessimistic and negative report, in which they showed the difficulties and obstacles for Israel to conquer the promised land. When people are pessimistic, what they convey is defeat. They made the people discourage and murmur against God and Moses and yearned to return to the world of slavery in Egypt. However, 2 of them, Caled and Josué, presented a report with great optimism and with great faith that God would give them the victory to advance and conquer the promised land.

6And Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had surveyed the land, tore their clothes, 7and they spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, The land through which we passed to survey it, it is very good land. 8If the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us to this land and give it to us; land flowing with milk and honey. 9Therefore, do not be rebellious against Jehovah, nor fear the people of this land; because we will eat them like bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them. Numbers 14: 1–9

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When you want something, you just have to move forward to conquer it. There are those who intend to discourage you in your career towards
victory, however, when God is on the side of those who believe him, everything is different and the environment turns in our favor.

Don't listen to negative messages that go against your faith and confidence of victory. If you want something you can do it ', even above any barrier that is intended to oppose. Pursue your dream and your goal at the cost of all your strength, energy and passion to achieve it.