Don't let fear stop your progress

in HeartChurch3 years ago

And the Philistine added: Today I have challenged the camp of Israel; give me a man to fight with me. 11 When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and terrified. 1 Samuel 17: 10-11 King James Version (KJV)

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Fear stops us and does not allow us to advance towards the proposed goal. The progress of what we want to achieve is limited if there is no action plan that demolishes fear and allows us to move towards the goal.

We all know the great story of David and Goliath, which we like very much and we take it as an example to demolish fear and continue on our way to victory. However, before David reached the battlefield, King Saul's army had lined up to fight against the Philistines, seeing the giant Goliath emerge from among the Philistines, Saul's army was filled with fear and fell back in battle. .

Without a doubt, fear paralyzes us and does not allow us to act. We are filled with insecurity and thoughts of defeat. Fear blurs you from your goal and drags you into doubt and failure.

When David arrived on the battlefield with the hierarchy of a warrior of God, he challenged the giant Goliath and faced him with his weapons of war (sling and stone). David did not look at the stature of the giant Goliath, but looked at God above that giant to give him victory.

The more David challenged Goliath, the more he progressed to victory. In David's heart there was not fear but courage and trust in God.

In the end, God gave David victory over Goliath and the Philistines so that Israel would rule over their enemies.

David defeated fear and progressed in all the battles he faced over the enemies of Israel.