Discover how important you are to God

in HeartChurch3 years ago

I tell you that in this way there will be more joy in heaven for a sinner who repents, than for ninety-nine righteous people who do not need repentance. Luke 15: 7 King James Version (KJV)

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One day as a sinner I was not as valuable to God as I am now. It was enough to make the decision to receive Christ as the savior of my soul and to repent of my sins, so that in heaven God made a great and wonderful feast together with the angels.

This, I did not know, until I began to search the word of God and discover how important and valuable I am to God. The mere fact of repenting and accepting Christ in my heart, that activated and moved the power of heaven for the Lord to make a party for my soul that had repented.

Not only what is valuable to God for having given Christ to die for humanity, but for sinners who repent. I can now imagine how much more valuable I represent to God that He has given me the privilege of serving Him and walking with Him.

I feel very privileged to know that the Lord made a great party for me in heaven the day I repented of my sins, surely when I get to heaven the Lord will show me how he celebrated that day with the angels and how he was very happy in his heart.

Knowing that God loves me just like you, my dear friend, is something very pleasant that fills us with great joy and great hope that one day we will greatly celebrate being with our God on his throne and worshiping him in person.

Do not consider yourself a small thing if you are a child of God, give value to your relationship with God because God loves you very much.