Be a person of action

in HeartChurch3 years ago

After all this God put Abraham to the test. Told him:
And he told:
-Here I am.
2 Then God said:
"Take Isaac, your beloved only son, go to the land of Moria and offer him as a sacrifice that must be completely burned, on the mountain that I will indicate to you."
3 The next morning Abraham got up early, saddled his donkey, and left with two servants and his son Isaac. He cut firewood to use in the sacrifice and then they went to the place that God indicated. Genesis 22: 1-3 God's Word to All (PDT)

There are those who speak a lot and act little. Life requires more action than words. Abraham was characterized by being a man of action that of simple words. Everything that God commanded him, Abraham took into action. His obedience was such that when God asked his son Isaac as a sacrifice, Abraham acted blindly in genuine obedience.

Abraham's faith was always accompanied by action. Without action, we become merely people of theory and not of practice.

Abraham prepared everything to sacrifice his son Isaac in obedience to God. His action and faith so pleased God that when Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaacc, God prevented him.

9 When they reached the place that God indicated, they built an altar and arranged the wood. Then Abraham tied up his son and placed him on the altar on the wood. 10 He immediately pulled out a knife to kill his son. 11 But the angel of the LORD called to Abraham from heaven, saying,
-Abraham! Abraham!
And Abraham replied:
-Here I am.
12 Then the angel said:
-Stop! Don't hurt the boy. Don't do anything to him, because now I know that you respect and obey God. You did not deny [a] your only son. Genesis 22: 9-12 God's Word to All (PDT)

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The Lord himself teaches us that faith without work is dead. Faith must be accompanied by action in order to achieve the goal we set ourselves, otherwise we cannot be blessed people in life.

Be a person more of action than of mere word. The words are blown away by the wind, but the action remains as an indelible mark.