Does our life reflect that we are the salt and light of the world?

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Right from time immemorial, necessity and responsibility is placed on man by thee command to go into the world, be fruitful and subdue the earth. This was said by God at the beginning of creation.
During the time of Jesus' ministry on earth, he also reiterated this point in Matthew 5:13,14.

The believers are identified as the salt and light of the world. As salt preserves food and adds flavour to it, so should every Christian be. He/she should have the ability to preserve the lives of others as well as spice up the lives of people around him. For instance, if a person is a singer, his song should influence people around him.

I remember weeks ago when I was doing an extra moral class for a little girl at I was teaching was easily distracted by the noise that came from the environment. To me, the environment was not conducive because there was a music studio just some blocks away and the sound that came there was a known music. I could see the girl mumbling the words of the music from her lips, no doubt she had loosed concentration.

Similarly, we as Christians being the salt of the world could attract people to ourselves. Just like a pot of soup cannot taste without salt, we to can make our lives to be that influencing that everyone would always feel and long for righteousness, the fruit of the salt which seasons.

In same vain, Christians with their godly character should be able to preserve the value of the society. When a salt loses its taste, it likewise loses its value. Hence, when a believer loses the preservative influence of of a godly living, they are useless for preservation of the societal values.

Christians who live on godly principles are the light that brings hope of replenishment to a world that is lost in darkness (2 Peter 1:19).

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The believer must not envy the wealth of the wicked. But rather stand their ground to subdue thee devil, dominate over his power and enjoy the prosperity that belongs to us.

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