Where will you run to?

in HeartChurch3 years ago

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Proverbs 18:10

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A righteous person is one who God make righteous. A person who have confessed Jesus Christ and accepted Jesus Christ as His personal Lord and savior. (Romans 10:9-10)
A person who obeys Christ, Walk in His ways and serve Him diligently.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower to the righteous, the righteous man runs to Him for shelter and provision.

Let me share this story with you:
a man has two sons, one is a rebellious and dubious person, he scam the father for money and disobeys the father with everything in him, while the other is the complete opposite of him, He loves the father, respects him and even when the father fails in his responsibility he understands and still love the father. One day the two brothers left home to search for green pasture in another land, they left and the father blessed the two of them. Three days after, the rebellious son came back to the house, Rob the father of the money he had saved up for them, took some house properties and zoom off, the father cried and pleaded him still his ears became deaf. He took everything and went his way.
Few years after, life became so unbelievable for them out there, everything they had was gone, they only place remaining for them was their father's house so the other brother returned back home, the father received him with joy. The rebellious son, till today still roam the street as a mad man because he feels the father won't accept him back again because of what he did.

So many people in the world are like that rebellious and dubious son of that man, they only go to God for their selfish interest and when their request is granted, they zoom off and enjoy life; for their mind oh. And when calamity strike again they feel ashamed to go back to God, they become helpless but the real son will always run to the shield he has and obtain strength to pull through again.

Be righteous for God and for your earthly food because soon the Lord will come with His reward for everyone of us in Jesus name. Amen

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