Idols are silver and gold, but to God be glory and honor. Psalm 115

in HeartChurch3 years ago

How wonderful and joyful it is to serve the true God who by his majestic power magnified the heavens and the earth. God dwells in eternity and his glory can be compared to nothing and no words can describe the depth of his deity. The Lord is more than the simplicity of gold and silver, his eternity is the way of his mercy and truth. God cannot be compared to the vanity of the idols of men. God himself testifies to his glory by having his throne in the heavens, and all that he has done speaks for itself of his sovereignty and majesty.
Psalm 115 invites us to consider the glory of the true God who overcomes the vanity of men who put their trust in false pagan idols. The one God dwells in the heavens, there is the throne of his greatness with the mantle of his mercy and truth. God himself bears witness to his glory as the psalmist wrote:

Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
but to your name give glory,
For thy mercy, for thy truth's sake.
2 Why should the nations say:
Where is now their God?
3 Our God is in the heavens;
He has done all that he has willed. Psalm 115: 1-3

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The glory of God cannot be compared to anything in creation. Blessed is the man who puts his trust in God and recognizes that the Lord alone is worthy of supreme praise. However, there are blind men, who instead of trusting in God, put their trust in false gods, which are idols made by man's own hand. The author of Psalm 115, inspired by the Holy Spirit, affirms that idols are works of men, made of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood or simply whatever material the blind want to use. The psalmist says that these idols, though they have eyes, they cannot see, and if they have ears, they cannot hear; for they are like the men who make them.
The greatness of God cannot be compared to a mere image or idol. It is sad and regrettable that there are blind men who ignore the true light that comes from the glory of God. The Lord does not share his glory with idols. God abhors idolatry, therefore he punishes the wickedness of men who practice it. The psalmist, describing the vanity of idols, says:

Their idols are silver and gold,
the work of men's hands.
5 They have mouths, but they do not speak;
They have eyes, but they do not see;
6 They have ears, but they hear not;
They have nostrils, but they do not smell;
7 They have hands, but they do not feel;
They have feet, but they do not walk;
They speak not with their throat.
8 They are like those who make them,
And who trusts in them. Psalm 115: 4-8

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The composer of Psalm 115 exhorts the people of Israel to put all their trust in God and not in idols. All the tribes of Israel were called to put aside the service of pagan gods and to turn their hearts to the one true God. Trusting in God implied loving him with all one's heart, strength, mind and soul. God severely punished the people of Israel because they had forgotten Him and put their trust in idols. God cast them as captives into Babylon and they served for many years in various empires of the earth until God in His mercy returned them to their land. God is jealous and punishes idolatry, therefore, the call to both the people of Israel and the Lord's church is to give only praise and worship to the true God, "Jehovah". The psalmist wrote:

House of Aaron, put your trust in the Lord;
He is your help and your shield.
11 You who fear the LORD, put your trust in the LORD;
He is your help and your shield. Psalm 115: 10-11

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How glorious it is to serve and worship the God who made the heavens and the earth. The Lord will always bless those who love and worship him. In times of trouble, the Lord will remember his people and bless them with victory. God will pour out blessings upon his people and upon the house of every one of his children. Good will not depart from the children of God and blessing will reach all his descendants. God will beautify with his blessing all who call upon him as the only God. Psalm 115 tells us:

The Lord has remembered us; he will bless us;
He will bless the house of Israel;
He will bless the house of Aaron.
13 He will bless those who fear the LORD
both small and great.
14 The LORD will increase the blessing upon you;
upon you and upon your children.
15 Blessed are you of the LORD
Who made the heavens and the earth. Psalm 115: 12-15

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Well wrote the psalmist, who said: God has his throne in heaven, but to the sons of men he has given the earth, that they may live and serve the Lord. The living are the only ones who can worship and serve God, not the dead. In this sense, God has given us life so that we may serve and worship Him wholeheartedly. Let us not grow weary of blessing our God with abiding praise, from now and forevermore. As it is written:

The heavens are the heavens of the LORD;
And he has given the earth to the sons of men.
17 The dead shall not praise the LORD.
Nor those who descend into silence;
18 But we will bless the LORD.
From this time forth and forevermore.
Alleluia. Psalm 115: 16-18

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Thanks forvsharimg this wonderful message and i pray God blessvuou abundantly, Amen.

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