Always put God first

in HeartChurch3 years ago

The nature of our own ego always leads us to want to be first in everything. Frankly, we are in the presence of a selfish and very self-centered nature. We always want to be the center of attraction in life and we want the eyes of the world to be on us. In some corner of life we leave God and when, at last, in some predicament we find ourselves, then, we remember God and we want him to get us out of the mess we have fallen into.
In the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord Jesus teaches his disciples that we must always give God first place in our lives:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. "Matthew 6: 33"

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God is not a second table dish, God is simply the driving force that moves life and gives it meaning. Without God, life has no direction or control. God is the very essence that gives strength to our soul and spirit to keep us motivated and successful in life. When we ignore God and become more occupied with the things of this world and that which should satisfy our needs, God from heaven looks down on us and makes us understand that we are completely wrong. The things of this world were completely created by God. The Lord first created the universe and everything that man would need, and when everything was already created, it was then that God made man. God loves us so much, that He considered everything we were going to need in life and then brought us into the world so that we could absolutely enjoy all of creation.
We don't have to create anything, God already made everything for us, we simply have to look for Him to continually thank Him for His beautiful gesture of affection and love for us.

Unfortunately, we live in a consumerist and materialistic society, which makes us take our eyes off the spiritual and put them on the material. This drags us to selfishness, because we become consumerist and materialistic beings. The Lord Jesus warned and advised his disciples of the great need to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things, God will take care of them. God knows our needs and as a good Father will give us what we need, we simply have to take it out of the corner where we have left it forgotten and give it its rightful place in our hearts, which is the first place.

The cares of life leave us without meaning and without faith. Worries rob us of joy and make us lose sight of the fact that God is first in all that we have to seek.

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The kingdom of God is a kingdom based on love, justice, peace and joy. It is a completely spiritual kingdom, where the physical needs of the believer are conditioned to the search for God and love for God. The love of the Lord is so strong in us that it leads us to forgive and accept the weaknesses of our brothers. Love is the first thing God wants us to put into practice. Loving our neighbor implies not causing him harm or ignoring his needs. If we want to give God first place in our lives, we have to go out and seek the most vulnerable in society. In this we show that God is first place in everything. If we love our neighbor, we are also loving God. If we deny a glass of water to a needy person, we are denying God. We must put into practice the justice of God which is based on love, joy, peace, The apostle Paul wrote it this way:

For the kingdom of God is not about what we eat or drink, but about living a life of kindness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. "Romans 14: 17"

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