Answer With Meekness

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Most human beings are somewhat proud, and there are words or situations that hurt that pride, but when this happens we should not respond hastily to that offense, it is normal for it to bother us, but we should not fall into the desire for revenge or give in to anger.


Although it is difficult for us to accept it when we are offended, there is no better reaction than to remain peaceful. Let's see:

Ecclesiastes 10: 4
If the spirit of the prince rises against you, do not leave your place; because meekness will stop great offenses.

There are people who create much bigger problems due to the reaction they end up having at that moment, it is true that if they offend you it will cause you discomfort, even more so if they have offended you for no reason, but we must follow the biblical advice, here Solomon it tries to explain to us what to do if they offend us or if they get angry against us. The duty of a spiritually mature person is to give way to meekness, peace, kindness, and you will see how the storm calms as a result of the Right attitude.

If for some reason someone gets into an argument with you, do not try to defend yourself, do not try to explain at that moment, calm the anger by throwing kindness at those knives of evil. The sending will only bring more anger, violence more violence, instead kindness will end up burying any evil or offense.

The bible also says that a kind response calms anger, let us understand that there are problems that have happened in our life just because we have not taken the right attitude, if we always try to be kind, those who offend us will have no choice but to back down because they will not find an opponent for a dispute.

No matter who he is, or what he says, you just practice and make your kindness, peace, meekness and make yourself that wise person that God desires.

 3 years ago 

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Hello @elion God bless you, Meekness is very necessary in our life to be able to face all the situations that sometimes want us to lose control. Thank you for sharing this message.

Sí, el Señor nos dice se mansos como la paloma necesitamos de esa mansedumbre con urgencia, me identifico con ese tema porque estoy lidiando con una situación que al dejarme llevar por la rabia por una injusticia que se cometió contra alguien indefenso, no actué con el dominio que el caso requería y se agrabó mas .

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