Words That Speak

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Words have a lot to say about us because when we speak we say what we are and those words involve our actions and determine our steps and our destiny. Many times we ourselves are the ones who decide our steps, but the Bible tells us the following:

Proverbs 16:9
“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”
In this sense, it is important to take into consideration that we ourselves can think and even make many plans. However, it is the Lord who determines our steps, so it is important to involve God in our lives in every way and when you make plans for your life, do not leave God out of them.



Whoever has God as a priority, everything he does obviously involves God in everything, but if you are one of those people who still acts according to your own criteria, I would like you to reflect on the context indicated in the quoted verse so that understand that you can plan and execute many plans for your life, but if God is not among your plans, it is likely that they are not the correct ones because even so, God is the one who determines the steps of man.

Remember that the word of God teaches us that the plans he has for each one of us are plans for good and not for evil. Obviously because the only one who is not wrong is God, and he knows perfectly well how to give us or take us along the right steps. .

We tend to continually make mistakes in choosing our plans, and many times we believe that ours are the best. So when we have a plan and it doesn't work out the way we want, then we begin to blaspheme against God without considering that he knows and wants the best for us, he more than anyone else knows what is best for us even if it seems to us that it is not correct.

Our plans also say a lot about us, because when God is our priority, our words, our actions are determined by the principles established in the word of God and are the words that speak for us since our plans are rooted in God.

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