in HeartChurch3 years ago

For many people the gospel seems crazy and even more so their actions or decisions in the midst of tribulations since it is obvious that in the face of unfavorable circumstances they intimidate us and affect our emotions. However, we Christians have understood that in life everything that happens is necessary and even more so for those who love God because everything helps for good.

Romans 5:3-4
3 And not only this, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces patience; 4 and patience, test; and the proof, hope


The glory and grace of God is an external manifestation of his inner essence that he allows us to access through his mercy; for this reason all Christian life is the fruit of God's grace in his creation and for which we are firm in any situation because it is obvious that for Christians for whom we believe in God we see trials as something necessary to grow or mature spiritually

The tests or deserts that we go through in life are not forever, they are necessary stages that must come to improve our character or make us grow personally, since when we come to God for the first time we need to renew our minds and change our thoughts.

The apostle Paul had a great ability to write the quoted verse since he went through many trials and tribulations which prepared him to be one of the most spiritually qualified men in the service of God because he knew how to live with peace in the tribulation as well as in joy, in scarcity as well as in abundance... Paul lived through many tribulations and said: "We glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces patience; and patience, trial; and trial, hope"

God gives us firmness in the midst of any position where we find ourselves and gives us hope in the midst of pain or sadness since he himself warned us that tribulations were necessary but he also warned us that we had to trust and believe in him because he He is the only one who has been able to beat the world. And certainly this is our hope, to know that God is our heavenly father and has promised us peace in the midst of storms and firmness in the midst of crisis.

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