in HeartChurch3 years ago

Currently, tiredness is like a fashion in humanity to the point that even children and young people feel tired and this tiredness is obviously not work but a state of mind that confronts today's humanity on a large scale.

Children feel bored and in the same way young people feel tired despite having so many "escape" distractions in this so-called "modern" era, but it seems that this type of distraction has not been able to solve this state of mind that every day is gigantic and becomes more visible in society

In the bible we find this promise that is achieved by whoever believes that in God all things are possible

Isaiah 40:29
29 He gives strength to the weary, and multiplies strength to him who has none.


Life has its challenges and we are part of those challenges that often tire us and leave us without the desire to continue fighting but in this biblical verse we see something very interesting about life, and that is that obviously we suffer the discouragement of the attacks that we face daily and many times we are left without strength and without any breath to be able to continue, since it is obvious that the reality of life and the present adversities drown our thoughts and we feel faint since the author of this verse tells us that beings humans get tired regardless of age

Believing is leaning on the word of God when the present reality we live seems to question the truth of his promises so that our faith decays, but we have the disposition to take that step of faith that we need when everything seems lost and that is to believe God with everything our heart despite the fact that the winds do not blow in our favor; for it is God who gives strength to the tired and even multiplies those who have none. Trust and believe God!

 3 years ago 

Excellent reflection Darlenys; we need so much of God to continue fighting and achieve victory

Que hermosa enseñanza hermana @darlenys01,la verdad que todos nos cansamos, pero cuando unimos fuerza como lo hizo Aarón y Hur para ayudar a Moisés cunado sus brazos se debilitaron. fue suficiente para ganar la batalla. EX:17:12

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