in HeartChurch3 years ago

Everything that you have gone through or lived during the year, be it good or bad, has been for a purpose because God is good, although many times we do not understand what happens, he knows because he allows it and certainly everything that God allows is necessary, although many people question God, only he knows the why of things

We are quick to question God in many cases and even when we go through pain because we believe that we do not deserve things that happen to us but we do not realize that we ignore God in all our environment and that many live life according to their own opinion without rules and without principles only those imposed by society

Stop suffocating your life with cares or worries, instead, strengthen your faith with prayers and seek the direction of the holy spirit who is our comforter.


Certainly all these things have an effect at the individual and collective level and it is the reason why our society today is in crisis because a humanity that ignores God cannot be victorious.

Currently humanity at a collective and individual level is hurt, tired, anxious, disappointed and hopeless, but there is someone who can comfort your heart and it is God through the holy spirit, because the Lord loves you so much that he dares to surround you with his grace and mercy because he knows that you are weak but you must learn to give the place that corresponds to the holy spirit in your life once you have recognized God as the owner and lord of your life since the holy spirit speaks, listens, teaches, yearns for us and guides us in such a way that there is no wounded or broken heart that he cannot heal

If you sit down, just ask God to give you his holy spirit because he does not deny it to anyone since God knows that without the holy spirit we would not have strength nor could we lead spiritual life or fight against the currents of this world

Luke 11:13
For if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?

Jesus says to them: If you, even though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.

In this order of ideas, it is assumed that the spirit is the fruit of prayer and it is through the holy spirit that we can reach God through our Lord Jesus Christ who imparts the holy spirit to us so that he may intercede with the father and guide us and console us. and give us peace in the midst of adversity

Do not fight alone before life, trust God with all your heart and seek the direction of the holy spirit that can comfort and heal all your wounds!

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