in HeartChurch3 years ago

In life we ​​have two options to believe: one that things happen for a lesson, or they happen for a blessing, but nothing is by chance since coincidences do not exist because life is destiny or purpose

Nothing happens by chance, life is effect-cause and everything has a purpose


I believe the destiny that God has projected since ancient times for each living being and the only purpose of that destiny is good since God does not want evil for his creation but along the way many people distort God's plan for their lives ruining it all to opt for their own plans

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think about you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you the end you hope for.

In this way, when their paths are not what is expected, then they speak of luck and coincidences, but the Bible does not speak of luck or coincidences, it speaks of purpose.

"The general purpose is nothing more than the achievement of the recognition of God as father, fulfilling his designs and enjoying his grace. When creating the world, God already knew that sin would be established among us, even so he continued with the process of creation"

In this sense, God had already planned a divine purpose for humanity, which is the one cited in Jeremiah 29:11, since his purpose is peace of good and not evil. For this reason, when we err on our way, our destiny is crooked and the purpose that God has for us is ruined and that is where we justify the luck and chance of life.


Powerful message, and may the blessings of God continue to be in your life, amen

Bendiciones amada hermana, muy buena la reflexión.

amén. es interesante que esa palabra fue dada al pueblo en medio de una falsa esperanza, los falsos profetas decías hablar en nk.bre DE Dios lo cual era falso y le decían al pueblo que pronto saldrían de la cautividad y por eso ellos no planeaban hacer nada con su realidad y la negaban. El propósito por el cual estaban allí se estaba perdiendo pero Dios les dijo que trabajarán la tierra, que edificaran casas, que plantarán, que dieran a sus hijas en casa.kento y se multiplicarán porque Dios sabía los planes que tenían para ellos por eso los malos momentos de la vida no son caso perdido si los vemos con el lente de Dios.

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