in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

It is very interesting to search the scriptures to know truths that God has for us and that many do not know because they do not read the Bible; do not allow another to speak to you, scrutinize and you will know what God wants from you and what he has for you

The bible tells us that God is love and mercy but he is also a consuming fire, therefore we must know the characteristics of God, although his mercies are more useful since they are renewed every day to give us new opportunities. However, despite the great love that he has for us, like all loving parents, he puts limits in our lives for the better and through his call it calls my attention that God does not choose as any person does.

1 Corinthians 1: 27-29
27 but the foolishness of the world God chose, to shame the wise; and the weak of the world chose God, to shame the strong;
28 and the vile of the world and the despised God chose, and what is not, to undo what is,
29 so that no one can boast in his presence.


The foolish, the weak, the vile and the despised are the four characteristics in the profile that God chooses for what? First, he chooses the foolish to shame the wise men of this world, the weak to shame those who think they are strong on this earth, and the vile and despised to express his power so that no one presumes what he is or what he has. ; for certainly nothing is more powerful on this earth than the power of God and against him no one can because his power crosses all times and all limits

Have you not noticed that there are kings living like the poor and the poor living like kings? People who wonder why if I feel I have everything, am I so unhappy and miserable? Haven't you seen "wise and intellectual" people living like idiots? Don't you realize that the wise men of this world don't find solutions or answers for some questions? Why do you think this happens?
Simply because of what was expressed in the previous verse, because life demands that we trust totally in God to receive spiritual wisdom and not allow ourselves to be totally influenced by the values of the world since the world will never choose as he does.

God chose the humble things of this world and the things despised by society itself to make them understand that he is no respecter of persons since he looks at the heart and he can make something out of nothing and the man or woman discarded from society he can make a great man or a great strong woman firm and full of values to shine in the midst of darkness in addition God is almighty and changes times and stories and he can make all things new for his glory


 3 years ago 

“ Why do you think this happens?
Simply because of what was expressed in the previous verse, because life demands that we trust totally in God to receive spiritual wisdom and not allow ourselves to be totally influenced by the values of the world since the world will never choose as he does.”

Beautiful insight!

Thanks Apostle for that great words.


 3 years ago 

Thank you very much Max, a brotherly hug. Blessings

Dios escogió las cosas humildes de este mundo y las cosas despreciadas por la sociedad misma para hacerles entender que él no hace acepción de personas ya que mira el corazón y puede hacer algo de la nada y el hombre o la mujer descartado de la sociedad puede. hacer que un gran hombre o una gran mujer fuerte sea firme y lleno de valores para brillar en medio de las tinieblas además Dios es todopoderoso y cambia los tiempos y las historias y puede hacer todas las cosas nuevas para su gloria.

Bendiciones apóstol. Importante mensaje. Cuatro características esenciales que Dios mira para elegir a un hombre en un ministerio. Dios te siga guiando en sabiduría y entendimiento.

 3 years ago 

Amen pastor. A brotherly hug. Blessings

Gracias apóstol. Estoy motivando a los hermanos en Cantaura para apoyar en cada publicación con el 20% mínimo al ministerio HeartChurch. Estamos luchando fuerte con la crisis económica y la pandemia. Confiamos en la mano poderosa de nuestro Dios. Bendiciones para su vida y familia.

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