God always responds

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Jeremiah 33: 3 "Cry out to me and I will answer you, and I will make known to you great and hidden things that you do not know."

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In our lives we must be very careful who we talk to when we need advice or company. Most likely, we will talk to someone we trust and who we consider important in our life.

The truth is, there is no better counselor than our God! The Lord wants to listen to us and speak with us, only He really hears our cry and has the power to solve any problem we are going through.
But for this to happen we must place our entire trust in Him, if we do not trust God enough, our cry has no force. To talk to God we must have faith and trust in Him.

When we trust God and call out his mighty name, anything can happen, even the impossible becomes possible, he hears the prayer of the righteous and therefore nothing is impossible for those who believe in God, God can do great things that we have never seen.

Cry out to God and he will not take long to respond. But when you pray and talk to Him, He will be sincere and open your heart. God wants us to be true to him.
The Lord does not leave us without an answer. If we talk to him, we must wait and continue to believe. He will answer that prayer at the right time.
We must not only cry out to God in the needs and bone tests to ask. We must also cry out with thanksgiving. God wants us to acknowledge his work on our behalf.

We must always cry out to God and remember that everything we ask must be in the name of Jesus his beloved son and the Lord says in his word that we will receive it.
God is our best friend, best companion, and confidant.

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