Only God Can Reveal

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)


Let me talk to you for a minute;

I know you've been told that dating for a longer period of time will help you learn about eachother better.

The usual line is, "let's give it time so we get to know each other better before marriage."

This is true, so true. Last thing I want to do is to mess up this perspective for you but hey, the real depth and ultimate purpose of that union is not discovered by learning about each other, nor by how long you have dated.

Wait now, just pause and listen to me. I don't expect that everyone gets this at first read, some may have to come back again tomorrow to read and assimilate this message, others may have to come back next year when they have experienced this encounter themselves before this light will hit them, this is why I'm talking to my tribe.

Some things about your spouse are too deeply rooted that even 7 years of courtship will reveal nothing!

Some purposes concerning your marriage will not be revealed by waiting around to read each other's mood swings and other litmus test you want to do.

It takes a spiritual man to know that the main things, the hidden treasures they are looking for, can only be revealed by alignment in the spirit.

Six years of courtship would never had revealed to Joseph that the woman he was marrying has been choosen by the Heavenly Ecclasia to be the mother of the Messiah. These hidden purposes can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit.

No amount of "pespire to acquire" would have revealed to Mary that her Joseph was a man blessed with absolute discernment by God, if koinonia had not exposed him.

See, some things about your spouse you cannot know by how long you two have dated, but how long you have waited in the secret place.

It is okay if you're content with knowing your partner's favourite colour, fav food, fav movies, hobbies, mood swings, likes and dislike, and other carnal knowlege you desire to know concerning them. It's very okay if that is where you want to stop, if that is your spiritual limit, but to spend 4 years in a relationship just to memorise the names of the players in your partners fav football team is a huge waste aunty. What has God revealed to you beyond these things?


What is it you are really learning about each other?

How he snores?
How she farts?
How he eats?
How she smiles?
What he likes to eat every friday?
How she likes her shawarma?

hahahhahahaaa, my dear let me warn you in advance; when the chips are down, how he or she smiles will not matter to you as much as the gifts of the Spirit that God showed you to use as a weapon when you get to the bridge.

Having carnal knowledge of your partner's natural identity is good, but how about learning about each other's spiritual identity?

The length of the courtship don't reveal this, only intimate fellowship with God.

Thanks For Reading Through


 3 years ago 

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