in HeartChurch3 years ago


¿De qué nos jactamos?, ¿qué tanto sabemos?
Ante el universo majestuoso e imponente
somos una infinitesimal partícula de polvo,
que por sí sola, por así decirlo, ni siquiera se advierte.


Por mencionar conocimiento alguno en equis materia,
pondré un ejemplo para que me entiendas:

De la creación de Dios, grandiosa y espléndida,
seleccionaré una, ta solo una de ella:
El cuerpo humano, “e incluso, de este, su parte
estructura, que por sí sola, es bastante compleja.
¡Cuántos estudiosos en analizarla se esmeran!
“En cada especialidad se estudia una parte de esta”.
Pero, en dicha estructura muchos huesos se articulan,
y funcionan de manera inherente ,
por lo que, interrogantes infinitas e hipótesis
los científicos formulan,
y, hasta conclusiones inciertas, se hacen presente.
Ahora, ¡observa la vasta naturaleza! ¿Qué sabes de ella?;
“Levanta los ojos, contempla los cielos”, la luna, las
¡Que grandioso Dios, Científico y en sabiduría Excelso!
a ser humildes nos enseña.

Este escrito es de mi autoría


What do we boast about? How much do we know?
Before the majestic and imposing universe
we are an infinitesimal particle of dust,
that by itself, as it were, is not even noticed.

Let's analyze:

To mention any knowledge in any matter,
I will put an example so that you understand me:

Of God's creation, great and splendid,
I will select one, just one of them !:
The human body, “and even, of this, its part
skeletal ”,
structure, which by itself, is quite complex.
How many studious to analyze it take pains!
"In each specialty a part of it is studied."
But, in this structure many bones are articulated,
and they work inherently,
therefore, infinite questions and hypotheses
scientists formulate,
and, up to uncertain conclusions, they are present.
Now, look at the vast nature! What do you know about her ?;
"Raise your eyes, contemplate the skies", the moon, the
stars ...
What a great God, Scientist and in Excellen wisdom!
to be humble teaches us

This writing is my authorship



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God is the meaning of Life, and nothing is faster than the Speed of Sight...
October 17, 2021... 7.6 Hollywood Time...

So it is my friend, may the Creator bless you, and even more so in these times when it is necessary to keep your sanity.

Thanks...Having Life in me, is worth Plenty...
October 17, 2021... 8.0 Hollywood Time...

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