in HeartChurch4 years ago

Galatians 6:7

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. KJV

Your word Lord, it says that whatsoever a man sows, same shall he reap
Yet I sowed had sowed in tears and my tears are till date not germinating
Shall I then out of faith believe it to grow when the seed remains in the soil?
Why has my kindness and love to humanity be rewarded with unkindness and hatred?
Could these then be the reward of my quest to be at peace with one another
Who day and night persecute me for being upright and seeking to do what is right always?
Do all the seed a farmer sows germinate at once like it was planted by the sower?
If it true that would not germinate, then why bother to sow that seed?
Would the time and energy I spent in this farm not be converted to something else?
Whatsoever a man sows, same shall he reap.
But Lord, how long shall it take before they that trouble and persecute me reap their reward?
Why do good people reap ill luck to die in their prime?
while there are other household enemies that walk around unhurt?
Daily, morning, day and night they seek after my downfall.
Would I still have to wait on that seed that I have sown for long to germinate?
When others sown the same time is long fruited and become food?
When will the Lord help me not to loose my patience over my neighbours harvest
So that I freight not and envy the rapid growth and bounty harvest of the earthen
Help me Lord
Teach me to wait, least I loose my faith and fate of Lord.

Believe me, there are tons of questions bordering this heart,

Just wish You would tell my heart not to fear that you have my matter under control.
My heart bleeds with pains that need expressions


The tears of the innocent abound
Come Lord to my plight and take over this fight.

Thank you for reading my post

I am @blessdan

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