To the first thing we see/A lo primero que vemos

in HeartChurch3 years ago



In a very wise book there appears the story of a poor and orphan boy who made a living at his young age by cleaning boots once this child approaches the glazing of an ice cream parlor and sees that many parents took their children to eat ice cream. The boy with the desire to savor those delicious ice creams worked hard and when he already obtained the money apart from his expenses to fulfill his dreams and wishes, he arrived at the ice cream parlor.

This child did not have adequate clothes and shoes, a waitress who attended looked at the child with contempt saying: there entered a filthy and begging child and with annoyance the waitress approaches the child with a harsh and offensive voice, that you come to ask ?

To which the child responds: what is the price of two-flavored ice cream?

The waitress responds: it costs twice as much as a flavor, why? but with a very rough voice. Waiting for the child to leave her so as not to attend to him since for her it was a hindrance, the child looks in her pocket and thinks for a while and then says to the innkeeper: give me one of a portion. The waitress brought him the ice cream thinking that he would leave at once without paying for it since for her it was a child that he did not have to pay for it.

The very happy boy began to eat his ice cream deliciously, the waitress left leaving the child alone and continued his work, when suddenly he turned to the table where the child was and he was gone, the indignant waitress approaches the table to picking up the plate but it was a bigger surprise for her than when she got to the table where the child was. He had left the payment for the ice cream and even next to the ice cream lake the tip for the waitress who served him. She is very ashamed, sad and regretful she began to cry for judging the child just because of his appearance.

My beloved brothers and friends let us judge ourselves according to what we see because we do not know what is inside his heart, but let us be loving and always try to do good to another person God knows our hearts and Jesus his son came into the world not to judge according to appearances (Isaiah 11) but offered his life with love for all of us so let us not judge so as not to vary greater condemnation for us. Let's do good and don't look at who




En un libro muy sabio aparece la historia de un niño pobre y huérfano que se ganaba la vida a su corta edad limpiando botas una vez este niño se acerca al vidriar de una heladería y ve que muchos padres llevaban a sus hijos a comer helados. El niño con deseo de saborear aquellos ricos helados trabajo duro y cuando ya obtuvo el dinero a parte de sus gastos para cumplir sus sueños y deseos llegó a la heladería.

Este niño no tenía una ropa y zapatos adecuada, una mesera de las que atendía miro al niño con desprecio diciendo: allí entró un niño mugroso y pedigüeño y con molestia la mesonera se le acerca al niño con voz áspera y ofensiva, que vienes a pedir?
A lo que el niño le responde: que precio tiene el helado de dos sabores?
La mesonera le responde: cuesta el doble que de un sabor, porque? pero con voz muy áspera. Esperando para que el niño se fuera para no atenderle ya que para ella era un estorbo, el niño mira en su bolsillo y se queda pensando un rato y luego le dice a la mesonera: dame uno de una porción. La mesonera le trajo el helado pensado que se fuera de una vez sin pagarlo ya que para ella era un niño que no tenía para pagarlo.

El niño muy contento empezó a comer en su helado deliciosamente la mesonera se retira dejando al niño solo y sigue su trabajo, cuando de pronto voltea hacia la mesa donde estaba el niño y ya esté no estaba, la mesonera indignada se acerca a la mesa a recoger el plato pero mayor sorpresa para ella que cuando llega a la mesa donde estaba el niño. Este había dejado el pago del helado y aún lado del lago del helado la propina para la mesera que lo atendió. Está muy avergonzada, triste y arrepentida se puso a llorar por juzgado al niño solo por su apariencia.

Mis amados hermanos y amigos nos juzguemos según lo que vemos porque no conocemos lo que hay dentro de su corazón, sino seamos amorosos y tratar siempre de hacer el bien a otra persona Dios conoce nuestros corazones y Jesús su hijo vino al mundo no para juzgar según las apariencias (Isaias 11) sino que ofreció su vida con amor por todos nosotros así que no juzguemos para no variar mayor condenación para nosotros. Hagamos el bien y no mires a quien


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