The deceitfulness of sin transcends the immediate pleasure you derive from it. It borders so much on the grief that follows afterwards. Sin has never proved to have enduring grains. The pleasure you stand to derive from sin is so transient, it vaporizes fast and leaves you sobbing as you go.
Imagine what happened to eve in the garden Eden: what she saw as a tree that is good for food and is pleasant to the eyes, contrary to the instruction God handed over to them; turned out to be pain and sorrow to endure at child birth. The forbidden fruit which she saw as a tree desired to make one wise, turned out to be their quit notice from the beautiful garden God placed them. Sin is ruinous any day; but, it doesn’t come as something capable of ruining you. It always comes as something capable of improving your mood, your chances and your well being.
In the light of our text message, it comes with all manner of sweet appeals, but leaves a bitter taste in your mouth that you cannot cope with and leaves you with pains you didn’t bargain for. Sinning is like a job for which you must get paid, the bible says in Romans 6:23; that, “the wages of sin is death”.
There are jobs you do and you may decide to ignore or abandon the wages; but not so with sin. Sin comes with a full and compulsory pay and the pay is killing. It’s like when you finish, you laugh and afterwards come death: what profit do you stand to get from such? Scriptures affirm in James 1:15, that, “when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death”
Short sightedness in your approach to the issues of sin will drown you in the deceitful ocean of shame and reproach. If you will play down the immediate gains of your purported actions and seek to focus on the aftermath of such actions and the long term effects; you are most likely going to be more discrete and exercise restraint. With every sin flaunting itself before you; there is something that the devil who is the chief promoter of sin is not telling you.
He told eve some wonderful things about the forbidden tree; but he didn’t tell her it was going to bring about her nakedness and exit from the beautiful garden of Eden. “Do not err my beloved brethren” (James 1:16).