Reflection: After the storm the sun will rise.

in HeartChurch3 years ago



Psalms 31: 9 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in distress; My eyes, my soul and my body have been consumed with sadness.

There are nights where we feel like we can't take it anymore, where our heart falls apart little by little, where our thoughts take us to the brink of collapse, situations that rob us of sleep and make us want to throw everything away, nights that instead of sleep, we turn into seas of crying, whether due to a disappointment, a family problem, an inconvenience at work, a dispute in the church, a break of years, the loss of a loved one, these are things that happen and sadness acts in such a way that we let it dominate us and its dominance is so strong, that it affects us both mentally, emotionally and physically, we stop eating, we sleep little or a lot, our body begins to wear out, our dark circles become more marked, we wear out little little by little to our breaking point and we realize the depressive state in which we find ourselves. It is very difficult when we are in that void because many times we do not know how to get out of there, we feel lost, disoriented, tired of everything, of situations, of problems, of life, at that moment is when many people make wrong decisions for wanting to find a relief or a distraction. Some young people seek escape in alcohol, parties, drugs, sex, stealing, looking for problems outside the home (I speak for boys my age), many times we believe that by diverting ourselves to any of these options we can calm the pain that we have inside, when in reality, we only increase it, perhaps at the moment we do not notice it, or maybe we do, but we ignore our subconscious because we think that the bad we do is fine, but there comes a point where we stop to think for a moment And we realize how lost our faith is, how much damage we have caused ourselves, how cold we have become, we feel frustrated and we turn off to the point of thinking about suicide or even, do it.



Psalms 13: 2 How long will I put counsel in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

Many times we try to encourage and advise people close to us saying that everything will be fine, but what about us? … When we are at the bottom of the abyss, we ask ourselves, what did I do to deserve this? Or why is this happening to me? Or why me if I have been a good person? These are questions that our minds ask us little pieces. But, why don't we ask ourselves, does God like my behavior or my actions? Am I really being considerate of other people and myself? Is it okay to go out of my way just to have a good time? Is it okay to think about ending my life just because I feel like I am a burden to others? UNTIL WHEN WILL I LET THE ENEMY STILL IN POWER OF ME?

You see, we as people know what is good and what is bad, it is in us to absorb the good and discard the bad, moderate our behaviors and not decay in the same place where it was so difficult for us to leave. The enemy will always look for any way to lead us to him, and what is the best way to attract us? Waiting for us to be vulnerable to any situation to take advantage and enter our thoughts, making us feel sadness, anger, disappointment, anxiety, depression, he uses his strategies to then incite us to do wrong, such as disobeying our parents, not valuing their efforts For making us better people, worsening our behavior, being aggressive, being cold and loveless people, being inconsiderate human beings, having said all these things we do the wrong thing, what God does not like and we end up losing ourselves.



Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.

Once we decide to seek Christ, we shed all the evil that surrounds us, we leave our past in the past, our way of thinking changes, our actions change, our sadness turns into joy and happiness, our hatred into love, our torment in peace, our weakness for strength, we decide to look for the good side of things, we meditate before acting, we put our burdens on it, we grow spiritually, we mature, we acquire knowledge and wisdom, we strive to be better every day, to him and only for him. God is our helper friends, God loves us despite everything we have done, forgives our sins, helps us to get ahead, strengthens us, God is our guide, comforts us and we as believers must seek him more, cry out to him, believe, Increase our faith and continue to be sure that by his side we will be safe and remember that After the storm the sun will rise.

God bless you

 3 years ago 

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