Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 1|| Decentralized and Centralized system, Advantages and Disadvantages and which one is best for business? ||Lecture by @yousafharoonkhan||Homework done by @yodarko24

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Question 1:
Write the definition of decentralization and centralization in your own words .
In my own words I would say decentralization is a state by which everyone (individual or a group or organization) makes a decision and expresses freedom of transfer from the top to the bottom. Decentralization become more attractive and appreciated when each branch seems to be playing a central role. Whereby the blocks become the users and these blocks can be compared to individuals or organizations or businessmen. This system known as block chain decentralized system. Talking of a decentralized block chain is a modern system that will last long as a computer system will do.
Centralization is then opposite of decentralization. Here with the centralization the authorities are vested in that level. I would talk about the centralized system. Centralized system is system that is connected to only the rulers and the center of the group or individual. To talk of an organization the decisions are taken at the top level.


Question 2.
Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization system

• Decentralized decisions and expressions of freedom and transfer of power is from the top level to the bottom level.
Centralized decisions and expression of freedom and transfer of power is only at the top level.
• Decentralized involves little difficulty.
Centralized is not easy.
• Decentralized system is the strongest dependable network chain.
Centralized system the system operator can close down and the user becomes affected.
• Decentralized deals with a lot of servers this makes the system available for the other server to use whereas
Centralized deals only one server and when it shuts down the system stops.

Question 3.
Give 5 advantages and disadvantages of decentralized and centralized system
• Transfer of power can be done from the high level to the lower level.
• Hacking chances is low and the financial funds become safe.
• Information/Data is stored and can be retrieved anytime. The decentralized system are safe and can be used everywhere and anytime.
• It promotes motivation and rewards of effectiveness and activeness of the user. By this the user will give out their best to achieve best results.
• It offloads much work for the system operator and cut down burden on top executives

• There is an increase in crime as frauds are transferred and will result in problems.
• The cost involved in decentralization system is high.
• There is a tendency to change quickly in the decentralized system.
• Decisions that are emergency are not attached to in crime.
• Problems of coordinating become high among various units.

• Sending of information alerts become easier.
• Funds are safe whiles crime will not be tolerated.
• The tendency to make decisions are entered at the top.
• Decisions that emergency are attached to quickly and in time.
• The user working with the centralized system will have the same way with the server.

• The cost involved with the centralization is low.
• Hackers end up succeeding in hacking the system.
• There is a partial play in the treatment when it comes to centralization.
• In the centralized there’s no decision and involves the users at the lower level.
• Fraud is generally accepted when it comes to centralized system.

Question 4.
Which one is better for Business/trading and why?
I would choose the decentralized system because it involves the power of transfer from the highest level to the lower level. Hence this makes it promote motivation and rewards that will make the users active and effective to produce the best in their outcome. In business and trading decentralization is best because it makes rending of services easier and this can be assessed everywhere and at any time. It also offloads the work of the operator therefore cutting down the burden on the server.

Question 5
How do you know if block chain is decentralized or not?
Block chain is decentralized and this relates the transfer of power and control the in decision-making from the top (server) to a distributed network. Block chain information is not kept in a control server instead it is spread and copied across a network of users. Block chain is safe and hence makes the chances of hacking low and the funds become secured.

I would like to conclude by encouraging the practice of decentralization in business, this is because it make trading easier and safer and with this system hacking is minimized. The also is a fair play in the rewards of center from to the block to the user.
Thank you for reading!!


First respected student Thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 1 course class..

dear students you did not complete the last question and four question , last question was practical , you did not attended, and four was detail question in which was necessary to discuss, which one is best and why in front of you thank you very much for taking participate in the class

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