17-2-3 General treatment attempted to counterattack the protrusion from Nakdong River to Yalu River@yasirmahmood

General Church's Action (153)

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While the 1st Battalion counterattacked, commanded to dismiss the positions of company commanders who withdrew without order even though they were not attacked by the enemy.

(I Company, Heavy Weapons Company, 1 mortar platoon, and the 26th Anti-Air Automation Battalion Company withdrew to the northeast of the 21st Regiment Zone)

At noon, the division's search company was instructed to blockade the Nakdonggang-Changryeong road adjacent to the former position of I Company.
Search Company and I Company attacked the enemy units that were occupying the hills near Bugok-RI but failed.

At around 0900, General Church was convinced that the main enemy unit on the east side of the river was located in the protruding area.

Stopping North Korean troop attacks
19th Regiment along the north side of the 34th Regiment to attack westward
The 19th Regiment captured 300 enemy soldiers and killed most of them from a mile away from the villages and rivers east of Chang Hill.

The 1st Battalion, 34th Regiment, repelled the enemy's forward squadron and restored the cloverleaf height.

K, L, and A companies secure their positions, preventing the North Korean military from seizing the road network through Yeongsan.
Field artillery and aircraft block North Korean reinforcement units
The 24th Division has 7 105mm howitzers and 12 155mm howitzers, supporting a 32-mile line.

General Church ordered the 34th and 19th Regiments to continue to attempt counterattacks until the morning of August 7th.

Disassignment of the 17th Korean Regiment
The 17th Regiment, which had been assigned to the 24th Division, was disassigned due to the reorganization of the Korean army during the battle over the protrusion of the Nakdong River.
The 17th Regiment secured the right side of the division's defense line, so it was in charge of organizing the Hyzer Special Forces (a small number of the 3rd Engineer Combat Battalion A Company, the tank of the 78th Tank Battalion, the 24th Division Search Company).
On the morning of August 7th, Hai Ze Special Forces switched missions with the 17th Regiment of the Korean Army.

On the afternoon of August 6, the 1st Battalion of the 9th Regiment of the 2nd Division arrived in Changnyeong, clearing the gap in the 17th Regiment of the Korean Army.

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