How the Wyckoff Method Can Change Your Steem and Crypto Trading More Optimally

Strategic Steem Trading Leveraging the Wyckoff Method for Optimal Results.png

Trading Steem with the Wyckoff method can give you a more structured approach to analyzing price movements and making trading decisions. The Wyckoff method, developed by Richard D. Wyckoff in the early 20th century, focuses on understanding market cycles and trader psychology. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the Wyckoff method to trade Steem.

Understand the Basic Principles of the Wyckoff Method

Law of Supply and Demand

Prices move based on the balance between supply and demand. If demand exceeds supply, prices rise; conversely, if supply exceeds demand, prices fall.

  • High Demand: If there is increased interest or adoption of the Steemit platform that encourages more users to buy and hold Steem, the increased demand could cause the price of Steem to rise. For example, if there is positive news about a new integration or strategic partnership that expands the use of Steem, this could increase demand.

  • High Supply: If many Steem holders decide to sell their tokens at the same time, perhaps because they want to realize a profit or because of negative news, then the increased supply can push the price down. For example, if there is a change in platform policy that is considered unfavorable by the community, this can cause a surge in supply.

Law of Cause and Effect

This law states that any significant price movement must be driven by a sufficient cause. In crypto markets like Steem:

  • Accumulation and Consolidation: Before a major price movement, there is usually a period of consolidation or accumulation. For example, if the Steem token experiences a long period of price consolidation without significant movement, this may indicate that traders and investors are waiting for a strong signal before making a big move. If there is an increase in trading volume and the price starts moving up after this period, this may be an indication that a major move is underway.

  • Major Announcements or Events: Sharp price movements in Steem often follow major announcements such as network upgrades, strategic partnerships, or changes in policy. For example, the announcement of a new feature or a change in how Steem tokens are distributed can cause significant price movements as the market reacts to the news.

Law of Effort vs. Result

This law refers to the relationship between the effort expended to move a price (effort) and the result obtained (price movement). In the context of Steem.

  • High Effort for Little Results: If there is high trading volume and high effort to move the price of Steem, but the price is not moving much, this could indicate strong resistance or counter supply. In this case, the market may be in a distribution phase where the price is not moving much despite high trading activity.

  • Small Trades with Big Results: If there are relatively small trades but the price of Steem moves significantly, this could indicate that there is accumulation taking place and the market is ready for a big move. This usually indicates that the market may be in an accumulation phase before the price starts to move significantly higher.

By understanding and applying these three basic laws, you can gain better insight into the price movements of the Steem token and make more informed trading decisions in the cryptocurrency market.

The Wyckoff method uses the Law of Cause and Effect to anticipate price movements by linking phases of consolidation and market activity (cause) to significant price movements (effect). In the Wyckoff Method, 'cause' refers to the accumulation or distribution period in which institutional investors or 'smart money' make their positions, while 'effect' is the price movement that follows this period.

The Principle of Cause and Effect in the Wyckoff Method

1. Cause

  • Accumulation: This occurs when the price is in a long period of consolidation below a certain price level. During this phase, large investors or institutions buy gradually without causing a significant price spike. Typically, trading volume increases during the accumulation phase, but the price remains relatively stable.

  • Distribution: This is the phase where large asset holders start selling their positions gradually after the price reaches a high level. During this phase, the price may move in a narrow range while the trading volume increases, indicating that the ‘smart money’ is selling into the market.

2. Effect

  • Price Movement: After the accumulation phase, prices usually start to rise significantly as demand increases as supply decreases. After the distribution phase, prices tend to fall sharply as supply exceeds demand.

Example with Steem Historical Price Data

Let's use historical Steem price data to illustrate how this principle works. Let's say we look at Steem's historical data from recent months.

1. Identify the Accumulation Phase

  • Data Example: You see that over the past few months, the Steem price has been moving in a narrow range between $0.50 and $0.60 with a slowly increasing trading volume. The price is not showing any significant movement, but the trading volume is increasing, indicating that there is strong buying interest.

  • Analysis: This is the accumulation phase, where large investors may buy Steem slowly without causing a price spike.

2. Identify Distribution Phases

  • Data Example: After a period of accumulation, Steem price started to rise sharply to $0.80 within a few weeks. Trading volume also increased during the price increase. Then, the price started to move in a narrow range again, this time between $0.75 and $0.85, with trading volume remaining high.

  • Analysis: This may be a distribution phase, where large investors start selling Steem at higher prices.

3. Price Movement After the Accumulation and Distribution Phase

  • Effect of Accumulation Phase: If the accumulation phase is followed by a significant price increase, this is a result of the cause of accumulation. For example, if after the accumulation phase the price of Steem rises from $0.55 to $0.90, this indicates that accumulation has caused a higher price movement.

  • Effects of the Distribution Phase: If after the distribution phase the price of Steem drops sharply from $0.85 to $0.60, this indicates that the distribution has caused a significant price drop.

Using the principle of cause and effect, you can anticipate Steem price movements by analyzing the accumulation and distribution phases and correlating them with the price movements that follow. Analyzing historical data and trading volume helps in determining when the market is in an accumulation or distribution phase and allows you to better predict future price movements.

The Wyckoff method divides the market cycle into four main phases: accumulation, markup, distribution, and markdown. Understanding each of these phases can help traders predict price movements and make better trading decisions. Let’s discuss each phase using the Steem token as an example, and explain how traders can identify the current market phase.

1. Accumulation Phase

  • Definition: The accumulation phase occurs after a significant price decline. During this phase, smart money investors start buying assets slowly without causing a price spike. Prices move in a narrow range with increasing trading volume.

  • Steem Example: Let’s say in late 2022 to early 2023, the price of Steem drops from $0.70 to around $0.30. Over the next few months, the price of Steem moves in the range of $0.28 to $0.35. Trading volume increases slowly, but the price does not show any significant upward or downward trend.

Identify the Accumulation Phase

  • Stable Price: Price moves in a narrow range.

  • Increasing Volume: Although prices are stable, trading volume is increasing, indicating that there is strong buying interest.

  • Consolidation Pattern: Horizontal price movements indicate an accumulation phase.

2. Markup Phase

  • Definition: The markup phase is the period where prices start to rise significantly after the accumulation phase. During this phase, demand increases and prices move higher with increased trading volume.

  • Steem Example: Suppose in early 2023, the price of Steem starts to rise from $0.35 to $0.75 in a few months. During this period, trading volume increases sharply, and the price gradually moves to higher levels.

Identify the Markup Phase

  • Uptrend: The price starts moving upwards with a clear trend.

  • Increasing Volume: Trading volume increases along with price movement, indicating that there is strong demand.

  • Continuation Uptrend Pattern: Price creates higher peaks and higher valleys.

3. Distribution Phase

  • Definition: The distribution phase occurs after the markup period. Here, smart investors start selling their positions gradually after the price reaches a high level. The price moves in a narrow range with high trading volume.

  • Steem Example: Suppose in mid-2023, Steem price peaked at $0.75 and started moving in the $0.70 to $0.80 range for a few months. During this period, trading volume remained high, indicating that large sellers were starting to sell their positions.

Identify Distribution Phases

  • Stable Price: After an uptrend, the price moves in a narrow range.

  • High Volume: Trading volume is high during a horizontal price movement.

  • Consolidation Pattern: A consolidation pattern at a high price level indicates a distribution phase.

4. Markdown Phase

  • Definition: A markdown phase is a period where prices start to drop significantly after the distribution phase. Supply exceeds demand, and prices experience a sharp decline with increased trading volume.

  • Steem Example: Suppose in late 2023, after the distribution period, the price of Steem drops from $0.75 to $0.40 within a few months. During this decline, trading volume increases, indicating strong selling pressure.

Identifying the Price Decline Phase

  • Downtrend: Price begins to fall in a clear trend.

  • Increasing Volume: Trading volume increases as price declines.

  • Sustained Decline Pattern: Price creates lower valleys and lower peaks.

To identify the current market phase, traders can analyze Steem’s price and trading volume charts. By understanding Wyckoff’s phases—accumulation, markup, distribution, and markdown—traders can make better trading decisions based on price movement patterns and trading volume.

Following are the steps to identify market phases:

  • Pay Attention to Price Patterns: Observe price movement patterns to determine whether the price is in an accumulation phase (horizontal consolidation) or a markup phase (uptrend) and so on.

  • Trading Volume Analysis: Trading volume provides additional clues about market activity. High volume during accumulation or distribution phases, and increasing volume during markup or markdown phases, help identify the market phase.

  • Use Charts and Indicators: Use price charts and technical indicators to help identify patterns and trends that correspond to the Wyckoff phases.

With this understanding, traders can anticipate price movements and plan their trading strategies more effectively.

To apply the Wyckoff Method to trading Steem tokens, you need to follow a step-by-step process that involves identifying the market phases (accumulation, markup, distribution, and price decline) and analyzing for signs of supply/demand testing. Here is a complete guide outlining these steps, with real-world examples using the Steem token:

Step 1: Identify the Accumulation Phase

1.1. Observe the Consolidation Price Pattern

The accumulation phase usually occurs after a sharp price decline and takes place within a narrow price range. Its characteristics include:

  • Stable Price: Price moves within a narrow range with relatively flat peaks and valleys.

  • Trading Volume: Trading volume begins to increase slowly during this phase.

Steem Example:
Let’s say the price of Steem drops from $0.70 to $0.30. Over the next few months, the price of Steem moves within a range of $0.28 to $0.35. Trading volume increases over time, but the price remains stable.

Trader Actions:

  • Potential Entry Point: Enter a buy position when the price is at the lower limit of the accumulation range ($0.30) and the trading volume shows an increasing trend.

  • Watch the Volume: Make sure that the trading volume does not suddenly spike drastically, which could indicate a distribution phase instead of an accumulation phase.

Step 2: Signs of Supply/Demand Testing

2.1. Price Testing Analysis

After the accumulation phase, the market will start testing supply and demand to determine if there is strength to continue into the markup phase:

  • Retest: Price often retests the support level (the lower limit of the accumulation phase) after a breakout. This is a sign that the market is confirming the strength of the support and preparing for an upward movement.

  • Volume During Testing: Trading volume during the test should be low or decreasing, indicating that there is no significant selling pressure.

Steem Example:

After the accumulation phase, the price of Steem started to rise from $0.35 to $0.50. During this period, price may retest $0.40 with lower trading volume. This is an indication that the market is confirming support and preparing for a markup phase.

Trader Action:

  • Entry Point: Consider adding long positions if price returns to the support level ($0.40) and trading volume is low, indicating a successful support test.

  • Wait for Confirmation: Wait for confirmation from the price pattern and volume before making additional accumulations.

Step 3: Transition to the Markup Phase

3.1. Identifying the Beginning of the Markup Phase

After the accumulation and testing phases, the markup phase begins when price begins to move significantly higher. Signs of the markup phase include:

  • Clear Uptrend: Price moves higher with a clear trend, creating higher peaks and valleys.

  • Increasing Volume: Trading volume typically increases as price moves upward, indicating strong demand.

Steem Example:
Suppose the price of Steem starts to rise from $0.50 to $0.75. Trading volume also increases sharply during the price increase, indicating that the markup phase has begun.

Trader Actions:

  • Entry Point: Enter a long position when the price starts to show a clear uptrend and trading volume increases. Consider taking advantage of the moment when the price pulls back to the previous support level ($0.55) before continuing to rise.

  • Exit Point: Monitor distribution patterns or signs of distribution that may indicate that the markup phase is about to end and the distribution phase is about to begin.

Step 4: Monitor the Transition to the Distribution Phase and Price Decline

4.1. Identify the Distribution Phase

After the markup phase, the market may enter a distribution phase, where investors start to sell their positions:

  • Stable Price in High Range: The price moves in a narrow range at a high price level.
  • High Volume: Trading volume remains high, indicating that distribution is underway.

Steem Example:
Suppose Steem price peaks at $0.75 and moves in the range of $0.70 to $0.80 with high trading volume. This indicates a distribution phase.

Trader Action:

  • Exit Point: Consider selling your position if price shows signs of distribution and trading volume remains high.

  • Monitor the Bearish Phase: After distribution, prepare for a bearish phase if price starts to fall with increasing trading volume.

4.2. Monitor the Bearish Phase

If the market enters a bearish phase, price will drop significantly:

  • Downtrend: Price shows a downtrend with lower peaks and lower troughs.

  • Increasing Volume: Trading volume increases during the bearish phase.

Steem Example:
If the price of Steem drops from $0.75 to $0.40, with increasing trading volume, this indicates a bearish phase.

Trader Action:

  • Entry Point: Consider selling or going short if the market shows a clear downtrend.

  • Watch for New Accumulation Phase: After a significant price drop, watch for consolidation patterns that could indicate the start of a new accumulation phase.

By following these steps and analyzing Steem’s price and trading volume data, you can identify the current market phase and make more informed trading decisions based on the Wyckoff Method.


You need to work hard and avoid these mistakes and work hard



good try but you need to learn more also you need to explain with examples and screen shot. I suggest before posting your entry must do research on the topic.. here quality of post matters.. not quantity


@hamzayousafzai. Should make Steemit alert, especially Professor @kouba in SCA that this is unverified account. Another unverified account I have encountered in season 20 of SEC is @buloh58. Seems like account farming is undergo in this season. Cc @steemcurator01.

Sorry in advance because I didn't read all the rules in this contest. but I would like to thank you sir. for the support you give me, I am very happy because my hard work is appreciated by you even though I am wrong @hamzayousafzai

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