Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S11W2 -: Reputation on Steem Blockchain

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Can you explain what reputation is on Steemit?

You may have often seen that there is a number in front of your username on your Steemit profile. Well, let me tell you all about it. That number is your reputation score, and it starts at 25 when you first create an account. As you post, comment, and interact with others on the platform, your reputation score will gradually increase.

Steemit’s system is designed so that people who create quality content and have good interactions with others will gradually see their reputation scores increase. But here’s the catch - the increase isn’t linear. So, it takes less effort to go from 30 to 40 than it does to go from 60 to 70.

Now, you might be wondering how exactly your score increases. Well, the more Steem Power a voter has, the greater the impact their vote will have on your reputation score. I’ve personally noticed that when I receive a vote from someone with a lot of Steem Power like Sc01 or Sc02, my reputation score jumps up more than when I receive votes from other users.

But be careful - your score can also decrease due to downvotes. If you post something that goes against community rules or that people just don’t like, they can downvote you. However, I haven’t seen this happen very often on Steemit. Most people tend to upvote, which also gives an idea of the positive environment on Steemit compared to other social media platforms.

Importance of Reputation Score

Your reputation score on Steemit is important because it shows whether or not you are reliable. The higher your score, the more seriously people will take you and the more attention they will pay to your posts. It’s a measure of your credibility and influence.

I’ve also noticed that many Steemians decide which articles to read based on the reputation scores of the users who wrote them because they know that higher reputation scores mean a higher chance of quality content.

I’d also like to point out that Steemit’s system is different from other social media platforms where your reputation only increases due to likes or followers. On Steemit, your reputation increases due to quality content and positive interactions with other users. Followers count doesn’t seem to matter much here.

What is your current reputation on Steemit? Can you provide a step-by-step explanation of how reputation is determined, along with screenshots?

My current reputation score on Steemit is 66, as you can see in the screenshot below.


How to Check Your Reputation Score

To check your reputation score on Steemit, you can simply look at your Steemit profile page, where your reputation score is displayed next to your username. However, this only shows your reputation score as a whole number. If you want to see your exact reputation score with decimals, you can sign in to the Steemworld website.

To sign in, you’ll need to enter your username and private posting key, as shown in the screenshot below. Make sure to enter your username without the “@” symbol.


After signing in, click on the dashboard.


Then, when you click on stats, you’ll be able to see your accurate reputation score, as shown in the screenshot below.


One thing to note is that when you check your reputation score on Steemworld, you can also see how close you are to reaching the next level. For example, if a user’s reputation score is 69.943, it means they are very close to reaching a reputation score of 70.

How Reputation Score is Determined

Now, let’s talk about how reputation scores are determined on Steemit. I did some digging by reading these FAQs and found out that it’s based on a log10 system. This means that the higher your score, the harder it is to increase it. So, if you’ve got a reputation of 66, it’ll be 10 times harder for you to increase it to 67 than it was for you to go from 65 to 66.

Here’s an example to help illustrate this. Let’s say a user with a reputation of 66 receives an upvote worth 0.01 points. This will increase their score by log10(66 + 0.01) - log10(66) = 0.0000217 points. But if a user with a reputation of 70 receives the same upvote, their score will only increase by log10(70 + 0.01) - log10(70) = 0.0000206 points. So, as you can see, the higher your score, the smaller the increase for the same upvote value.

What methods are you currently using to increase your reputation on Steemit? Can you provide an explanation?

First and foremost, I always strive to create quality content. If your content is good, you’ll receive more votes and your reputation score will increase. When writing content, I always make sure it’s insightful and helpful.

Another method I use is staying active in the Steemit communities. I comment on other people’s posts, upvote them and interact with them. Not only does this give me visibility but it also encourages other users to engage with my posts.

I understand that having a higher reputation score means that I’m providing more value to the community. That’s why I always try to make my content and interactions useful for others.

I believe that increasing one’s reputation is a long-term process that requires patience, hard work and dedication. I’m confident that if I continue doing these things, my reputation score on Steemit will steadily increase. 🙂

Is it possible for your reputation score on Steemit to decrease? Can you explain how this can happen?

Yes, your reputation score on Steemit can decrease. This only happens when another user downvotes your post or comment. Now, it’s important to understand that not every downvote decreases your reputation score. The effect of downvotes on your reputation score depends on the Steem Power of the downvoter.

There’s another point that’s important to understand. If your post has received more downvotes than upvotes and the net weighted SP of those upvotes is greater than that of the downvotes, then your net reputation score can increase, not decrease.

Let me try to explain this point with a simple example. Suppose your post receives 10 upvotes and 20 downvotes. Now let’s also assume that the net weighted SP of those upvotes is 50 and that of the downvotes is 30. Since 50SP is more than 30SP, your reputation score won’t decrease because of this post even though you received more downvotes. I hope you understand now.

It is also important to note that if your reputation score on Steemit falls below zero, your posts and comments may be hidden, making it difficult for you to earn rewards and gain followers. Therefore, it’s very important that we always follow online etiquette and try to make our posts and comments helpful and positive.

I trust that you found the information in my article to be valuable. 😊

I would like to invite @ripon0630, @artist1111, @msharif, @josevas217, @malikusman1, @radleking, @radjasalman and @steemdoctor1 to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 02-Aug-2023 | Achievement 1

You gave a very good explanation about the reputation system in Steemit! You're right, The system is designed To encourage people to create quality content and interact positively with community members. However, you are also correct that the increase In reputation score is not linear, and the higher the score, the more difficult it is To achieve further increases.

The mechanism behind the reputation score on this platform involves various factors, Including the quality of the content produced, The level of interaction with other users, and how much Support there is from users with high Steem Power. When you receive votes from users with high Steem Power, It has a bigger impact on Increasing your reputation score.

The more interactions you have with other users, The greater the chance To increase your reputation score. Also, focusing on creating useful and engaging content for the community can help achieve a gradual increase In reputation score.

Thank you for sharing additional information about how reputation score can develop in Steemit. We wish you continued success and a significant increase In your reputation on the platform!

Thank you for your detailed feedback on my post. 😊


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @patjewell

Thanks for the support, @patjewell. It really means a lot to me.

PS: It’s your feedback that I was after, not this. 😉

You are welcome! I enjoyed reading it.

I'm glad you liked it. 😊

 last year 

Saludos amigo waqarahmadshah.

Importante saber que el puntaje de la reputación puede crecer con nuestro trabajo, con nuestra constancia al realizar publicaciones de calidad, pero también puede verse afectada y bajar su puntaje si comentemos plagio y somos votados negativamente por cuentas que tengan más poder que la nuestra, por ello debemos siempre aplicar técnicas que nos ayuden a mejorar, te felicito por tener una reputación de 66, eso demuestras que estas realizando un buen trabajo, sigue así.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my post. I appreciate that. 😊

Reputation is an important factor that motivates users to improve their quality. As our reputation grows, so does our value. So good luck to you in the contest.

Thanks for visiting my post. 😊

To be very frank, if we take the algorithm of reputation out of the detail as it becomes a little more difficult after every reputation point, and what you used to find easy until 67-68 becomes an uphill task after 68. And after 69 it becomes tough but after 70, you will see it when you reach there.

I have just one phrase for that-
You cross a bridge when you reach it,
My best for this contest.
NOTE: I have a firm belief that quality plays a major role in your reputation.

I have a firm belief that quality plays a major role in your reputation.

Subjectively speaking, it may seem that way, but technically, it's not entirely accurate. Reputation bulding process involves algorithms and especially upvotes from "Big" accounts. 🙂

Pengetahuan anda sangat baik tentang definisi reputasi di Steem Blockchain. Ini adalah suatu indikator tentang sejarah keterlibatan seorang pengguna di steemit. Beberapa langkah yang Anda tunjukkan mengenai cara mendapatkan reputasi juga sangat mudah untuk dipahami.
Secara keseluruhan anda telah berbagi artikel yang sangat bagus.
Semoga sukses dalam kontes ini sobat 👍

Thank you for your valuable comment. 😊

Consistency in posting information and engaging with other users will raise our exposure among everyone, and their support will help us gain greater credibility. It's nice to see that you care so much about your reputation. Salutations and blessings for your success.
Like you I have also participated in this contest and if you want you can visit my post and share your thoughts.

Thank you for visiting my post. I will certainly check out your entry. 😊

Welcome Bro.

La reputación es una medida de su credibilidad e influencia. De alguna manera es como te perciben los demás usuarios en la plataforma, indica cuanto vales o eres apreciado o que tan importante eres en el ecosistema.

Tienes una reputación (66) y aún te queda un largo camino por recorrer, pero vas por buen camino creando contenido de calidad, estando activo en la comunidades e interactuando, con lo cual logras la visibilidad necesaria para optar con mayor posibilidad a la curación.

Gracias por compartir, saludos, éxitos y bendiciones.

Thank you for your valuable comment. 😊

Hola Waqar.

Has explicado de una manera estupenda la definicion de la reputacion y cuan importante es dentro de la plataforma. Tal como dices el crecimiento de esta es proceso laaaargo que se necesita mucha constancia y paciencia, porque no es facil, en el camino nos podemos desanimar muchas veces por falta de apoyo.

Espero muy pronto alcances el preciado nivel 70

Thank you for your kind words. 😊

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