Steemit Crypto Academy Season 4 Beginners' course - Task 8 // Decentralized Applications (dApps) // Home work task for professor @wahyunahrul By @sirdeone10k

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

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1. What are dApps?

2. Explain the working system of dApps.

3. What are the differences between dApps and other applications?

4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of dApps?

5. How can dApps developers promote their apps?

6. What should we pay attention to when using dApps?

7. How do we find the information of a DApp that we want to know?Provide the steps (Screenshot required).



What are dApps?


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DApps, going with my understanding, are a Decentralized applications built or constructed on a programmable blockchains.

DApps as programs or applications are totally decentralized and are run with multiple computer systems called nodes. This simply applied that DApps are not processing on a single server but functions as a P2P (peer - to peer) network. DApps is absolutely known as an applications that run on a peer - peer pattern and it is a decentralized applications. In otherwords, there is no person who is fully in control or incharge.

Decentralized applications is described as an open system that needs no middleman or center person authority and the system can not be overpowered. Here, all the informations are very much clear to enable everyone to have an access to it. Cryptocurrencies can be included in the feature of dApps when the smart contracts is accomplish on the blockchains, and all the informations which include records will definitely be secured within the network with encrypt or coded token protection.

There is a speedy transactions system or proces in dApps, every user has a freedom of speech and there is also multual aggrement or decisions and every transactions that is been carried out in dApps no longer pass through a server.



Explain the working system of dApps.


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Decentralized applications (DApps) functions with the blockchain networks in other to save all it's data or informations on the network. All the users in the system represent a node around the network, all the users are obliged for the right of functioning and operating of the networks.

Online with the medium of communication, the apps work or servers as a blockchain technology. Information of the trends accomplished which undergo a clear contract, the contracts which make those apps are fully saved inside the best techniques is to make sure that all the users involved fully with the set requirements executing the operations under the programming of smart contracts.

The smart contract keeps records or rather maintains records of the exchange within two people and carry-out this transaction. As long as the conditions of each person are met, definitely the smart contract will be activated and every transactions will take effect and smart contract system or programs will take effect by itself (without any assistance).

Smart contracts provides a centre ground or midpoint for authenticating every information or occurance. Anytime new operation is carried out on DApp system, all the nodes will immediately be updated. DApps in general have made a great progress because of the users of blockchain technology, and it is multiple interface, system privacy, they are also save and are security assured.



What are the differences between dApps and other applications?


In DApps there is a high speed rate, while Decentralized applications are very fast in all it's transactions.

It is known that nodes has access or permission to all the things someone uses, Decentralized applications are very much fully clear and it open source thereby making them become more secure than other applications.

The central nodes which controls or manipulate it's applications system is owned by traditional applications wheras, decentralized applications has no middleman or central authority which controls system.

In a Decentralized applications creations, good applications are higher in tokens than many other applications.



Explain the advantages and disadvantages of dApps?



Resistance of Censorship: Here there is no concealing of decentralized applications by the central authority, it will be very hard for any of the authority or the middleman to stop entry to them.

DApps has a greater advantage when you talk of security and it is faster in the ecosystem because of the open source development.

Peer - to - Peer system: in this system DApps don't rely on the single factor of failure in the system any longer because there is no obstacles in maintaining it.


There is an extraordinary case of decentralized applications why because, it calls for all blockchain customers to replace every of their duplicates in the network.

An authentication is extraordinarily difficult in the sense that contrast to centralized apps, in the case of decentralized applications, why because DApps doesn't process on a single server.

In regards to decentralized applications, in comparison to different applications their usage is deeply combined and strong.



How can dApps developers promote their apps?


DApps developers can promote their apps through the method of radio, television or road show advertisement, thereby letting people know about it through the medium.

Decentralized applications are frequently driven on social media platforms, just like Instagram. Telegram and Facebook, between others, and it created awareness to people who have access to the mentioned platform.

The dApps developers can aswell promote their apps by creating an internet platform specially for information or financial purposes, such as blogging etc.



What should we pay attention to when using dApps?


Whenever we are using dApps, we should always pay attention to the general system of decentralized applications since has to do with a digital platform. There is a great lot of potentials in digital currencies but we should also have in the back of our mind that ever that have advantages also have disadvantages and dApps is not not exclusive. It has a lot of dangers which many don't consider before investing.

The major high risk on decentralized applications simply is that it promise to transparent decentralized and also to dance in line with popular exchanges, but they don't. They also stand in awarding and sharing money or tokens to users who join through your refferel link but all avail.

Developmentally therefore, it is very important that we go through it deeply and thoroughly also understand the system rules and method before taking part.



How do we find the information of a DApp that we want to know?Provide the steps (Screenshot required).


From my screenshot below, you will see the different dApps that are been totally utilized.👇🏽

The highest rating Dapps right at the DappRader app will show as you click on the rating. Many Dapps will be discovered when you tap on the open defi ranking.👇🏽

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From the list ranked Dapps in the DappRader, in the screenshots below, you will see that Aave is been ranked as no.1.
Therefore, for you to access the Aave Dapp, you will click on it and tap the open Dapp icon.👇🏽

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Finally below is the recent chart, which aswell shows the accurate date as 9th October, 2021.

Here are Aave's statistics.👇🏽

Liquidity : $8.75 Billion
Market Cap : $4.97 Billion
Token Name : AAVE
Token Price : $311.19

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DApps as a decentralized applications works faster and are more secured in the ecosystem. We all need to be security conciouse when using a DApps. We should always remember that our security keys is very important to us, infact we must see it as all we have and always save it properly in other not to loose it.

This lecture is really a wonderful one, I learnt a lot from it. I sincerely thank @wahyunahrul for his time in the lecture.


Thank you all.


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