Crypto Academy Season 4 Beginners' course - Homework Post for Task 9: Blockchain Wallet, Types, Uses, Installation, etc for professor @sapwood || by silencewan

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


Hello sir
I will like to give thanks and praise to the alright God for adding me another day and I will thank professor @sapwood for giving us this wonderful lectures today .

(1) How do you store/secure your keys? What are the different forms of Private Key(Examples/Screenshot)? Download & Install TronLink Wallet(Android/iOS/Extension)? How do you store the key(Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples)? Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet? Include Screenshots & hide/blur the sensitive information.

How do you store/secure your keys?

The keys help the user to make a transaction without the help of the third party because without the key you can't get closer to your funds or crypto so it's always important to keep your keys at a safer place so that any time a user wants it so that the user will always get in contact with keys assets .

There are two important keys that will help you get closer to you crypto which is the public and the private key and I will let to talk about each keys separately


With this key, a user is supposed to keep it secret and a user should make sure he doesn't share with anyone in other keep his asset safely and when you mistakenly loss your private you can't get your finds back so a user should always make sure that he kept it in a safer place to always get in contact with a asset


With this key is just in the form of email address and this key is used to send funds or crypto and receive funds and with this key you can share it to anyone that you want without them hacking your crypto.

Without these keys which is private and public key a user can make a transaction or get closer to his crypto, so it is always advisable to keep them in a place so that any time you want it you can still get it or prevent people from hacking your crypto, I always make sure I put the keys in a place where know expect I will put on which I always used them in my email once these keys are always in there I can get closer to my funds anytime I want and I make sure I saved them in the note pad in my phone so that anytime that I want it I can still get it any I believe with the way I saved them it be difficult for anyone to hack miy crypto .

What are the different forms of Private Key(Examples/Screenshot)?

The private key which is usually mixed with numbers and letters from or which is kept secret that is a user doesn't have to share the keys with anyone and it is always important to keep it always from anyone to prevent or avoid hacking crypto the main use of the private key it's used in making transaction and which you lost your key you can't get it back and as a result of that your crypto or your asset will be gone waisted and the following are some of the private keys .


Is a form of a private key and this type of key are being present in the form of words and the words are all small letters and the range of the words begins from 12 and end at 24 words and a user can write these words down and these form of private keys present in a very good way and a user can memorized this words into his head with this from of private key a user can store his assest into his wallet .




This form of the private key allows the user to have direct contact with their crypto and with this form is the mixture of the private and the public key which is commonly created by users and another name for the file is JSON file and it's always good to store your keys at on place .



Download & Install TronLink Wallet(Android/iOS/Extension)?

The following are some of the steps in downloading and installing tronlink wallet

I will use iOS in downloading trolling wallet

firstly I search tronlink on the search bar in my phone

Click on the tronlink for it to start downloading

Click on open when you are down downloading

When you click on open , you them click on create account

The next step is you will accept the teams and condition and you click on accept
You will enter you name and click on next
You will enter your password and click on next

You will click confirm the password you have entered
You will click on back up now to get your mnemonic key
Now your trolling wallet is created

How do you store the key(Hint- write it down on a notepad, demonstrate it with examples

There are many ways to store your keys and I always try my best to save my keys into my email and once it inside there I can always get easier and try to save it into my mobile phone on my note pad and once it is saved inside both my note pad and my email it will be very hard to miss my keys and it will always safe there and write the keys down and in case I my phone is gotten missing I can still login it into another phone this the best way I try to save my keys.

Which form of the key are you comfortable with to handle your TronLink Wallet?
Include Screenshots & hide/blur the sensitive information.

When you first log in your tronlink wallet and they will first ask you to choose the keys you can be comfortable with and I like using the private key because it is very easy to have access to and with the key, you can send it without sharing it with anyone and I always make sure I saved them into my Gmail so that anytime I want it I can still get from there .



Both the private and public key plays an important role in the blockchain wallet because without these keys a user can't get closer to his blockchain wallet so a user should always make sure he keeps the keys at the place and the a user should always make sure that he doesn't disclose his private keys to anyone.

I will like to thank@ sapwood for giving us the great and a wonderful lecture.

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