Steemit Crypto Academy Contest Season 11 Week 04 - Cryptographic News And Events

in SteemitCryptoAcademy11 months ago
Can news affect cryptocurrency prices?


News wields immense influence over digital currency prices, categorized into favorable and adverse tidings. The crypto sphere witnesses a binary dynamic where positive and negative news intersect. An poignant surge transpires when nations, prominent entities, governments, and substantial investors declare their intention to embrace cryptocurrency, consequently fostering an auspicious market sentiment that bolsters digital currency valuations.

In essence, auspicious news amplifies the value of cryptocurrencies, nurturing an upward trajectory. Conversely, when governmental bodies of colorful countries opt to proscribe cryptocurrencies, citing their susceptibility to extreme fluctuations or other concerns, the ramifications reverberate negatively throughout the digital currency landscape. similar events precipitate a decline in value, encapsulating a stark reduction in prices.

Furthermore, initiatives aimed at advancing specific cryptocurrencies can effectively propel their valuation upwards. These experimental endeavors function as catalysts, imbuing certain digital currencies with renewed vigor and investor interest. the nexus between news and digital currency prices underscores an intricate relationship where each development, whether affirmative or mischievous, substantiates a palpable impact on the ever- shifting fiscal panorama of cryptocurrencies.

Between technical and Fundamental analysis, which affects the price of an asset most ?

Within the realm of cryptocurrency trading, both abecedarian and specialized analyses hold vital roles, shaping investment decisions and exerting substantial influence over coin valuations. To elucidate, allow me to delve into the nuances of specialized and abecedarian analyses within the cryptocurrency market.

For addressing immediate valuation concerns of a particular cryptocurrency, the tool of choice is specialized analysis. This methodology employs charts, patterns, indicators, and literal data to formulate predictions regarding the forthcoming trajectory of cryptocurrency prices. It best suits short- term trading endeavors or those seeking quick investment gains, owing to its focus on flash trends and patterns.

Conversely, abecedarian analysis pertains to the comprehensive assessment of a specific crypto coin's essential value. This process entails an evaluation of different factors similar as industry trends, the efficacy of the crypto team's management, and overarching profitable indicators. Primarily intended for individuals meaning long- term investments, abecedarian analysis serves as the bedrock for formulating strategies that align with the projected growth and potential of a cryptocurrency over extended periods.

In summation, the dialectic between abecedarian and specialized analyses occupies a central position in the cryptocurrency market. Their concerted impact shapes the investment landscape, providing traders and investors with two distinct methodologies one focused on immediate trends and the other, on enduring value. As similar, the adoption of either approach hinges upon the temporal scope and objectives of one's investment endeavors within the dynamic realm of cryptocurrencies.

Events such as Selling of coins massively, The burning of coins, creating new tools for a blockchain, among others. Does it affect the price of cryptocurrencies? If yes then explain and give us examples

Certainly, events similar as the massive selling of coins, coin burning, and the introduction of new tools for a blockchain have a significant impact on the price dynamics of cryptocurrencies. These events can trigger fluctuations in supply and demand, consequently influencing market sentiment and valuation.

Massive Selling of Coins A substantial influx of coins being sold can lead to an oversupply situation, causing prices to plummet due to the surplus availability and diminished demand.

Coin Burning When a cryptocurrency project intentionally destroys a certain number of its coins, the reduced supply can potentially lead to upward price pressure. For instance, Binance Coin( BNB) periodically burns a portion of its tokens, contributing to its scarcity and price appreciation.

Introduction of New Blockchain Tools The launch of innovative tools or features within a blockchain ecosystem can bolster investor confidence and attract new users, leading to increased demand and potentially driving up prices. Ethereum's introduction of the Ethereum2.0 upgrade, aiming to improve scalability, is an example that appreciatively influenced its price.

Network Upgrades Upgrades that enhance a blockchain's capabilities, security, or functionality can impact investor sentiment. For instance, Bitcoin's network upgrades, like the implementation of Segregated Witness( SegWit), improved transaction speed and scalability, positively affecting its price.

Partnerships and Integrations Collaborations with prominent companies or integration with widely- used platforms can boost a cryptocurrency's visibility and utility, driving demand and potentially elevating prices. Ripple's partnerships with fiscal institutions are instances that influenced XRP's price movements.

Regulatory Developments Regulatory news can create uncertainty, affecting market sentiment and prices. adverts of favorable nonsupervisory frameworks can lead to price surges, while inimical regulations can lead to declines.

Events like massive selling, coin burning, blockchain improvements, partnerships, and nonsupervisory changes have intricate effects on cryptocurrency prices. These examples illustrate how shifts in supply, demand, and market perception can significantly impact the value of cryptocurrencies in the ever- evolving digital landscape.


Investigate about a news that affected the cryptocurrency market

I conducted an in- depth analysis of a vital news event that left a profound impact on the cryptocurrency market. Specifically, in April 2021, the utterance of Elon Musk, acclaimed as the world's flush individual, wielded considerable influence when he declared Tesla's withdrawal of Bitcoin as a feasible payment avenue. This pronouncement reverberated through the market, casting a shadow on the cryptocurrency realm. During this juncture, Bitcoin's market capitalization exceeded an emotional$ 1 trillion, yet the repercussions of this news triggered a perceptible downtrend in its valuation.

Coincidentally, within the same temporal sphere, China, a global behemoth both in terms of size and population, orchestrated a comprehensive crackdown on cryptocurrencies. The impetus behind this move stemmed from environmental concerns, prompting China to curtail cryptocurrency mining activities within its borders. This unfolding event bore significant implications, notably precipitating a disheartening ripple effect across the cryptocurrency community. The attendant decline in Bitcoin's value stood as a palpable testament to the magnitude of this development.

In essence, the interplay between Elon Musk's announcement and China's strict nonsupervisory measures demonstrated the remarkable vulnerability of the cryptocurrency market to external factors. These instances underscore how the words of influential figures and the actions of governments can effectively shape market dynamics, influencing investor sentiment and, consequently, cryptocurrency valuations.

Can crypto market be manipulated? Give your understanding on this

The cryptocurrency market, akin to its traditional fiscal counterparts, remains susceptible to manipulation. nasty actors consistently exploit this vulnerability, employing an array of strategies similar as pump and dump schemes, spoofing, wash trading, insider trading, and manipulation through social media channels. These unrighteous methodologies collectively serve as tools for manipulating the cryptocurrency landscape.

Furthermore, the pervasive influence of substantial investors, colloquially referred to as" whales," underscores an fresh facet of market manipulation. These market behemoths strategically execute actions to sway sentiment and impact prices. A salient example involves the orchestrated sale of their cryptocurrency holdings, a maneuver that cultivates trepidation within the market. The consequence of similar orchestrated sales is a perceptible dip in the value of the targeted coin, prompting lower investors to hastily divest their holdings due to the fear of missing out( FOMO). Capitalizing on this scenario, the whales then repurchase these assets at the ensuing lower prices.

In essence, this manipulative dance orchestrated by both guileful agents and influential investors underscores the malleable nature of the cryptocurrency market. By skillfully leveraging these strategies, these entities can exploit market sentiment and prevailing behaviors to their advantage. This intricate interplay between manipulation techniques and the reactions of market participants exemplifies the duality of the cryptocurrency market — a space characterized by both innovation and vulnerability.

@mateenfatima @uzma4882 @aminasafdar @stef1


I think you have done as well as the best in this contest but ... I hope you know what I mean. My best wishes.

Well, I suppose she didn't catch the hint. I understood what you were suggesting, but I chose to ignore it and refrained from commenting on her post. However, I couldn't restrain myself from responding after the announcement of the results of this content. For anyone seeking an explanation of the word "but," please refer to the links provided below. 😃

Cc: @weisser-rabe (It might interest you)

Tool-based, I would say: the contribution is "clean". Content... it stumbles a bit ;-)) Thanks for your mention.

Haha. You have said it enough, as I once told my friend @dove11, "Brevity is the soul of wit."

PS: I'd like to add one thing: it stumbles "a lot". 🙂

Welcome brother ☺️


Hola Sawera 😊

Ahora que estoy leyendo las entradas y comentandolas, me pude dar cuenta que casi todos hablamos sobre el manipulador mayor Elon Musk jaja, de verdad es insolito como esa persona con solo un par de palabras puede mover el mercado como quiera, por supuesto siempre a su favor.

Te deseo suerte y exitos en el concurso.

It's amazing how Elon Musk can influence the market with just a few words. Thank you for your wishes of success!

Your analysis on the impact of news on cryptocurrency prices, technical vs. fundamental analysis, and market manipulation is comprehensive. Well done!

Thank you for your positive feedback! I'm glad you found my analysis on those topics comprehensive.

Your article presents a comprehensive analysis of the impact of news on cryptocurrency prices, the role of technical and fundamental analysis, and market manipulation. The assessment rates your article. highlighting your effort to address various aspects of the topic.

Thank you for your positive feedback! I'm glad to hear that you found the article's analysis comprehensive and informative.

Siendo el dinero lo que mueve al mundo no nos sorprende que haya muchas personas manipuladoras dominando y manipulando el mercado internamente para beneficio propio, por eso es que cuando decidimos meternos en este mundo criptográfico debemos hacerlo con conciencia plena y mucho conocimiento en cada paso que vamos a dar.

Te deseo mucho éxito y bendiciones en tu participación.

Totalmente de acuerdo. La conciencia y el conocimiento son clave al adentrarse en el mundo criptográfico. ¡Éxito y bendiciones en tu camino también!

Your analysis covers various aspects of the article, including its assessment, the effects of news on cryptocurrency prices, the impact of technical and fundamental analysis, and the manipulation of the crypto market. The assessment rates the article as 8.5/10.

Thanks you sir 😊

I am happy to see your participation in this engagement challenge that you share your maximum knowledge about the respective topic of this engagement challenge and you discussed that how different type of news influence different cryptocurrency prices as well as you have discussed about fundamental and technical analysis and also successfully interpreted an example about cryptocurrency news

I wish you many more success in this engagement challenge and in your future to shine like a star

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled to contribute to the engagement challenge and share my knowledge. Your encouragement means a lot to me!

El uso del análisis técnico o el fundamental, dependerá del enfoque de la inversión, su alcance y sus objetivos.

Ciertamente las noticias de nuevas regulaciones crean incertidumbre en el sentimiento del mercado y afecta los precios.

Elon Musk , otra vez sale a relucir, quiere ser más famoso. Ja ja

Gracias por compartir, buen trabajo.

¡Mucha suerte y éxitos!

You provide us with clear, concise descriptions of the factors that influence the cryptocurrency market and how its operations increase or decrease its value. Best Regards to You

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58613.96
ETH 3153.58
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43