Comprehensive Summary Sheet | Steemit Crypto Academy | Week-1 to Week-5 (Season-3)

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago





The objective of Steemit Crypto Academy is to foster crypto literacy, to induce practical intelligence of a wide variety of use-cases in the crypto domain, dedicated to the development of crypto-related education, yet at the same time, it creates an avenue to reason, to explore, and to find the right talents and to reward the effort being put by the participants.

The Crypto Academy Season 3 started on 21st June 2021 for Beginner[Fixed Courses] while the Dynamic Courses started on 28th June 2021. We have already spent 5 weeks in Dynamic Course Segment as of now. Please note that the Beginner[Fixed Course] segment does not have an expiry. It is always available for a participant should he/she meet the eligibility criteria.

The Steemit Crypto Academy(Season 3) is being supported by 15 professors in total. We have three different tiers as well: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Tier.

The Steemit Crypto Academy in partnership with 15 professors train & educate the students through various Homework Tasks. In response, the students learn new things each week and earn(upvote) and explore the practical side of the concept. Ultimately it is enabling the naive users to earn distinction in crypto specialties.

The guidelines and objectives set out by the Steemit Crypto Academy will underpin crypto literacy in Steem Blockchain in the long run and will prove to be a beacon of light particularly for the Newcomers and naive users.

Herewith we would like to present the various statistics, tangible data, analytics to easily acquaint you all with the overall state of Steemit Crypto Academy(Season 3).


Courses/Topics covered



Weekly sheet of total Entries (Season-3)

(1) Fixed Course[Beginner]

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There are a total of 6 different Tasks in Fixed Course[Beginner], it does not have an expiry. Anyone who has 125 SP, a reputation of 50, and has completed Newcomer Achievement Task-4 can participate in Fixed Course[Beginner].

(2) Dynamic Courses[Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced]


Dynamic courses run on a weekly basis and do have an expiry of 6 days(expire at 11:59 PM UTC, every Saturday). We have two tasks for Beginner[Dynamic], three tasks for Intermediate[Dynamic], and two tasks for Advanced[Dynamic] and one Task for the Chinese community every week.


The total number of entries in Season 3 stands at 3800[Fixed Course- 744 & Dynamic Course- 3056] up to Week-5.

The average figure per week for Fixed Course stands at 124/week, and the per day average figure for Fixed Course is 17.71/day.

The average figure per week for Dynamic Course stands at 611.2/week, and the per day average figure for Dynamic Course Course is 87.31/day.

In total the per day average entries including Fixed and Dynamic Course is 105.02 posts/day.

Please note that the participants get 6 days every week to submit their assignments in the Dynamic Course whereas the Fixed Course does not have an expiry.

Considering 8 professors to curate at any given time in the Fixed+Dynamic Course segment, the average per day curation rate per professor is 13.12 posts (approx).


Total nos of Unique authors in Crypto Academy up to Week-5/Season-3

(1) Fixed Course[Beginner]

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From Week-1 to Week-6 (Season 3), a total of 744 posts were published in 6 different tasks of Fixed Course[Beginner]. The number of unique authors over the last 6 weeks stands at 254.


(2) Dynamic Courses[Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced], Unique users and their consolidated scores










Open the image/table in a new tab to make it readable

Over the last 5 weeks(Week-1 to Week-5), a total of 3056 posts were published in Steemit Crypto Academy[Dynamic Course]. The number of unique authors over the last 5 weeks stands at 510. The individual scores and the consolidated scores until now(Week-5) have been organized and indicated in a tabulated format. There will be a separate reward for the king user(s) at the end of Season 3 (based on the Consolidated score).


Total nos of Winners/Unique Winners and their winning rate


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Please note that all the curated assignments receive upvotes from Steemcurator02. Further, each week, three are shortlisted as winning articles by each professor and they receive an additional upvote of 10% from Steemcurator01.

Frequency- How many times an author has won.
Total Entries- How many times an author has published/submitted his/her assignments in Steemit Crypto Academy

Winning Rate= (Frequency/Total Entries)x100


The sampling of the above data is based on the assessment by the respective professors assigned to run their course. In the last 5 weeks, a total of 105 winners were declared. Of this winning list, 64 are unique winners. Their frequencies and the winning rate has been indicated in the table.


Leaderboard-- Consolidated Score(Up to Week 5)

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This is a leaderboard that updates the individual scores and sums them up to calculate the Consolidated Score. Please note that based on the consolidated score, the king user(s) will be selected at the end of Season 3 and will be subsequently rewarded with Steemcurator01 votes.

Spammers/Plagiarists(Grey List/Black List)



This list is exclusively based on the data of Spam/Plagiarism cases in the entire history of Steemit Crypto Academy.

It has been a long-standing battle for us to fight the good fight against spam/plagiarism. However, with continuous vigilance, we have been able to curb spam/plagiarism of late.

In season 3, the number of spam/plagiarism cases has dropped significantly.

Until the end of week-5/Season 3(including Season 1 & 2), the total number of unique spammers/plagiarists stands at 206. We have categorized it into two types--

  • Black List
  • Grey List

Black List- The users who spam/plagiarize more than once feature in this list. Further, the user(s) who misuse community curator account to partake in Crypto Academy, the user(s) who run Multiple accounts to leech the reward pool also features in Blacklist.

Grey List- The users who spam/plagiarize only once(so far).

All such users have been advised to correct the course, return to the path of hard work, and are asked to complete Task-3 in Newcomers' Community to develop a better understanding of content etiquette.

Note- If you feature in the Black List, the professor will skip your post, they won't curate you in Steemit Crypto Academy.



We have collected all sorts of data from Week-1 to Week-5(Season 3) to prepare this report.

Steemit Crypto Academy is committed to spearheading efforts in crypto literacy in Steem Blockchain. It is equally committed to staffing, mentoring, training, recognition of talents & performance, and rewarding them based on PoB.

Thank you.



Cc:- @stream4u @imagen @yohan2on @yousafharoonkhan @abcallen @pelon53 @kouba01 @allbert @awesononso @remoniscence01 @asaj @cryptokraze @lenonmc21 @wahyunahrul


Unless otherwise stated, all the images, infographics, charts, tables, etc(if any) are my original works.


We have taken utmost care to provide correct & consistent data. However, if you find any glaring mistake, then please bring it to our notice, we will correct it & update the sheet accordingly.



Sir my reputaion is 46 and SP is 17, am i illigible for those tasks? or how can i raise my SP ? kindly guide me


Participate in #betterlife content, participate in Newcomers' Community, engage with others, and also talk to your Country Representative.

Thank you.

Thank you sir

Very clear and extensive. Great job with this!

Thank you.

Hello, Professor @sapwood.

You have done an amazing job in compiling names into both black and grey list.

I am very concerned that my name is mentioned on the black list. I had the issue of plagiarism about 3 months ago and since then, i've been more careful when doing homeworks and have even gone ahead to do achievement 3 to understand more about Plagiarism.

I apologise sincerely for having done this in the past even know i have taken corrections and have been better over time. Please what can be done about this situation?

Thank you

 3 years ago (edited)

But you don't feature in the Blacklist, nor in the greylist. Which username you are talking about??


Please check number 20...@chiomy is the username.

Ah, got it.

Yes, dear, as a matter of fact, you plagiarized twice in the academy, please refer to the following two posts:-



Thank you.

I am not oblivious of the fact but these were a long time ago. 3 and 4 months respectively (when i started writing newly in the academy).

I have since become better and even taken the Plagiarism task 3 to improve my writing skills and i haven't had any case of plagiarism in recent times even with all the many homeworks i do.

Please tamper justice with mercy. I apologise sincerely.

I was a newbie when these plagiarisms happened and after been called out, i sought to improve my writing and i've at it ever since including keeping to the rules and regulations of the academy.

It is very sad that what i faulted long time ago is affecting me now. My sincere apologies, please reconsider your decisions.

Thank you

Please note that all first-time offenders are given another chance(Greylist is still curated & rewarded). You should rather ask yourself, what went wrong that you plagiarized twice. If the same thing is happening repeatedly then it's not an inadvertent mistake. Right.

Dear participant, please note that this rule is applicable for all, we can not be impartial on a case-to-case basis.

However, if you believe that you did not plagiarize, then we can re-investigate again.

But if there is evidence of plagiarism(more than once) then as per the existing rule and framework, you will be placed on the blacklist.

I hope it clarifies.

Thank you.

Does this mean i will NEVER be curated and rewarded on cryptoacademy??

As per the existing rule, YES.

If there will be changes in the rule in the future, things will be different.

Thank you.

Hi @sapwood i agree with @chiomy CryptoAcademy should not be too rigid. If there was a change in professors, then plagarism offenders should be fogiven at the end of a season. The laws guiding crypto academy with regards to Greylist and Blacklist should be reviewed. We are here to learn and share how much we have understood. If a child does something wrong, you beat with the left hand and correct with the right hand. We are all imperfect.
Change is always constant. My opinion though.

Hi @sapwood i agree with @chiomy CryptoAcademy should not be too rigid.

We are really sorry Mam, but I think we are the most flexible and lenient, no other platform allows a plagiarist(first-time) to participate again.

Please note that plagiarism is intellectual dishonesty, an insidious act.

  • Original content- levies reward.
  • Plagiarized content(first time)- but do not repeat it again, it's a warning/request, you will still be curated and rewarded.
  • Plagiarized twice- levies punishment. It's intellectual dishonesty.

If there was a change in professors, then plagarism offenders should be fogiven at the end of a season.

No mam, you got it wrong. Detecting plagiarism is not enmity with the individual, rather an obligation of each individual in Steem Blockchain to reinstate the highest stature of PoB(Proof-of-Brain). So regardless of what role you perform, plagiarism is purely classified on the basis of the on-chain evidence. I may not be there in the Academy tomorrow, some other professors may also join the Academy, but the on-chain data will still remain there. The data do not lie. Further Blockchain offers us more transparency and immutability. So it is fair and impartial and can be audited by any one. The Blacklist/Greylist diligently follows the data and evidence to classify a user.

If a child does something wrong, you beat with the left hand and correct with the right hand. We are all imperfect.

Plagiarism is not a child's play, rather an insidious act and intellectual dishonesty to leech the reward pool, it diminishes the idea of proof-of-brain and discouraging for investors and genuine content creators.

I hope it clarifies.

Thank you.

Hi sir @sapwood, this policy will only lead to people creating more accounts that are not functional. Everyone errs even professors, apart from you and few professors, many actually spin their work from wikipedia with no new knowledge added to the students. Is there any policy guiding professors who err?
I have many times used a stronger plagarism checker to check works of most professors, and a lot are plagarized. I still stand on my opinion that the laws guiding greylist and black list be checked if steemit is truly a decentralized system.
Thanks sir.

 3 years ago (edited)

Everyone errs even professors, apart from you and few professors, many actually spin their work from wikipedia with no new knowledge added to the students. Is there any policy guiding professors who err?

You can give the post link and your findings(if you feel uncomfortable, then you can also provide all those details privately over discord sapwood#2079). We will investigate. As I said earlier it is applicable to all, even for me too.

I still stand on my opinion that the laws guiding greylist and black list be checked if steemit is truly a decentralized system.

It sounds a little weird Mam. It's like.... Hey, you do not allow repeat offenders, are centralized....You allow repeat offenders, you are the most decentralized platform in line with the spirit of Bockchain.

Tell me Mam, just name any single platform where it is giving a second chance to a plagiarist in a Competition, not just a decentralized platform, just anyone. Even the centralized one too, you can even consider Medium?

Everyone errs even professors

Mam, I would repeat again, plagiarism is intellectual dishonesty.

 3 years ago 

Hello Prof, thank you for the well detailed report and analysis thus far. I've continue to admire your level of analytical skills. Wish to learn more if previlleged.

My thoughts here are about the Grey and Black list users. Basically, there shouldn't be any plea bargaining for those in the black list except otherwise stated by the rules.

But if there are new ways to retrain those in this cycle aside just participating in the Newcomers achievement 3, that would go along way in fine-tuning the genuine intentions of some of the users.

Can the academy put up a weekly homework task for this set of people In the blacklist (interested users) for a given period of time to check their level of change and consciousness to plagiarism and if they pass through this test can be allowed to only participate from beginners level and then to other level.

My little thoughts.

Hello professor @sapwood.

Please respond to my messages.

Greetings prof @sapwood !!
please tell me why my account is blacklisted is this done only on the basis of suspicion?
I just copied a little presentation style of @hibbanoor haven't done anything more you can see I didn't do anything other than ....

I admit it's my fault that I copied her style but I didn't do any of her wording etc..
Even if I did something wrong, you should graylist me once, or at least a warning should be given...

Dear prof sapwood You can see that my account has a good reputation and my steem power is also good In the similar summary you gave for season two, I was in the top 10 unique authors of the world..


At the end prof @sapwood you keep a close eye on any case of Crypto Academy I do not want to say anything more than this, you are rich, you must have understood my point.

@noraiz is my only account

And this is my request that my account should be greenlisted

Thanks & regards

Steem on


An excellent job with all the data collection of the current season 3. Thank you very much for this dear @sapwood.

Steemit Cryptography Professor.

Thank you too for the sincere effort being put on a day-to-day basis.

Steem on.

Superb analysis, you did a great job!

Thank you, Sir.

Steem on.

Great work. Thanks so much for compiling all this data.

Thank you too.

Have a great day.

LoHola profesor quisiera saber si hay una manera de salir de la lista negra, y como sería. Insisto me equivoqué en una tarea en la temporada 2 y fue un plagio súper aceptado, pero aprendí y continúe y no había comedido más plagios hasta que por no colocar una cita de fuere me lo catalogaron como plagio pero verifique que esa tarea cumplia con más del 95% de mi autoría, entonces quisiera saber si puedo continuar realizado las tareas para ser tomado en cuenta o no ? Por favor conteste me interesa.

Hello professor, I would like to know if there is a way to get out of the black list, and how it would be. I insist, I made a mistake in a task in season 2 and it was a super accepted plagiarism, but I learned and continued and had not dealt with more plagiarism until for not placing an appointment outside they classified it as plagiarism but verify that this task fulfilled more than 95% of my authorship, so I would like to know if I can continue to carry out the tasks to be taken into account or not? Please answer I am interested.

@sapwood le responde a todos los participantes menos a mí! Solo quiero tener respuesta. Lo he intentado por todos los medios y nada.

This is so extensive. Great work professor.

Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Excelente trabajo profesor @sapwood, me alegro de aparecer entre los mejores hasta ahora esta temporada, he estado esforzándome por esto, últimamente me ha costado por problemas de salud estar totalmente activo, pero mejorare y espero hacerlo cada vez mejor.

Thank you.

Greetings Professor @sapwood, my post that was tagged was later viewed and marked by professor @awesononso, @endingplagriam also removed the tag against my name, so i do not know how come my name still appears on the grey list.

You can refer back to the post to confirm.

Thank you

Okay, we will look into it.

Thank you.

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