Solana Blockchain - Crypto Academy / S4W4 - Homework post for pelon53



Greetings I wanted to first thank God and secondly thank the professor for such a great lecture, very professional and well explained. then I will talk about Solana this great young project that was born to solve some flaws and be better than other platforms and show that every day you can move forward more and more in terms of blockchain tec


1.- Explain in detail the Solana PoH


It is a project based on the blockchain that uses its own network Solana, inspired by Ethereum but of latest technology that seeks to boost the development Dapps, born in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko and born with the need that users had to have a highly scalable and very secure network, uses several thousand interconnected nodes without the need for hardware so expensive that consume large amounts of energy.

Solana's state-of-the-art project is based on the latest generation of proof-of-participation Pos. implemented to a trusted and secure system, the transaction time is called proof-of-history (PoH).
this great technology unique to solana was developed from scratch to combat scalability, the admins believe that when you combine different algorithms to generate a blockchain you can reduce the bottleneck and get great performance.

Solana supports a speed of 50,000 transactions per second with very low fees of only 0.00001 US dollar per transaction, by 2020 and its pre ico antechain raised a total of 25million dollars , the Solana Mainnet was launched that same year on March 2020 running as well in testing phase.

Proof of History (PoH)?


Its main Hash is the SHA256 algorithm, this algorithm generates an output from an input and is unique and very difficult to decipher and no two outputs are the same and only the sender and receiver can decipher the algorithm, Solana takes the output of one and uses it as input to create the next block this way it orders each of the transactions correctly. this reduces the time and therefore the nodes work faster.

Unlike other traditional or older algorithms such as BTC and Ethereum, the transactions are not sorted and only use the arrival date of each transaction to be recorded in the blockchain ledger.



2.- Explain at least 2 Solana use cases.




It is a decentralized market that uses as base the solana blockchain, Solanart as its name indicates solana art , works with a market of NFT token Non Fungible NFTs. These NFT can be made by celebrities, amateurs, hobbyists and content creators. They can interact with almost everyone. solarnart uses a bridge between buyer and seller to provide trust and security for both parties, they are traded on the Sol token so that the platform provides a temporary account for each user and works through smart contracts to finalize the transaction.

It has a daily sales of 6,692 tokens per 24 hours, with total sales of 194,883 NFT.

It moves a volume in sol of 61,473 Sol tokens per day.




It is a rather peculiar project is about selling NFT. is created based on the solana network, in solonia planets are sold with special features, so that each planet has different characteristics to others the cost of each planet is based on the ecosystem that users recreate and the value is placed by the users themselves presale was just 10mil planets all were sold in minutes, the project is in beta and each has a unique and not fungible NFT token. are traded with the sun token.



3.- Detail and explain the SOLA token.


The token "Sola" using a decentralized network was born out of the need to provide us with a better interaction with the project defi was created on September 8, 2021 has the power of participation the more tokens you own more rights on the participation you have, allows us to use a variety of tools solatoken uses smart contracts for projects based on its platform can use the token for each purpose . in addition to the low commissions offered this is very attractive to the user.

On the other hand, the sol token is burned every time through the deflationary mechanism. The sol token uses the SPL protocol which has a market value at the moment of

Price Sola token = 0.0663$.

Circular supply 27,153,077 SOLA Token

Market Cap $1,861,164




4.- When did Solana Blockchain see its operations interrupted, and why? Explain.

Yes on Day 14 September 2121 Solana interrupted its operations First time this happened on the platform administrators seeing 400,000 transactions per second something that caused a collapse and an automatic Fork this was due to a hack attempt by some hackers where they attacked with DDos.

The normal is to see 50,000 transactions per second then solana to see this amount of transactions launched a statement I leave it here below in the next picture.


I can say that the token held firm in the process of the 8 hours of waiting something that in other platforms would be expensive, solana corrected the problem in time so after this they took provisions for future cases. at 8 hours solana released a statement where they said that solana successfully completed a restart of Mainnet Beta after the update 1.6.25. they also removed several blocks where the problem was and resumed operations.


5.- Check the last block generated in Solana and make an approximate calculation of how many blocks per second have been generated in Solana, taking into account from the initial block to the current one? Justify your answer and show screenshots.


Last block 99,440,258

Creation date: 02/10/2021

Time: 17:44:23


To know the date of block 1 or genesis block, we will have to go to the search bar and look for the 1st block.


We see the data of the block we go to the number 1

And we will see the date and data of the transaction.


Here we see that the transaction was on

Mar 16, 2020 at 10:30:51 Venezuela Time

The last transaction was on

Oct 2, 2021 at 17:44:23 Venezuela Time

Between the two dates we have a total of 565 days.

Let's calculate the variation of total seconds between the first block and the last one below.

The set of numbers will be multiplied and summed.


Minute: 60 s
Hour: 3,600 s
Day: 86,400 s

Let's perform the substitution:

565 days x 86.400 Seconds = 48.816.000 Seconds.

Then, taking into account the number of days in seconds from the 565 days, let's divide the current blocks by the calculated seconds.

Last block 99,440,258 / 565 days x 86,400 seconds = 48,816,000 seconds.

Result = 2.03 seconds X block this indicates the current calculations of creation X second of Solana block.




I like the solana blockchain, since in its network it has other platforms working like Solanart which I really liked and I am going to get to work within it I see great potential in the future on solana, taking into account the quick solution to the fork problem that only took 8 hours the token did not move from its price remained constant so I see great strength in the project and acceptability by users. The blockchain network is just beginning and the race with the NFT can not be overlooked I love everything that has to do with the NFT so Solana is one of these tools and platforms that teaches us that if we have the opportunity for growth.



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