Crypto Academy Week 9 - Homework Post for @yousafharoonkhan and @stream4u

Good afternoon steemit family, this is a presentation of my homework to @yousafharoonkhan.

Decentralization means greater power, with control vested in others farther away from the center, whereas centralized suggests the authority to make essential decisions rests with the "head" or center of an entity.

The right to make decisions in an organisation is centralized in the hands of top management. It means that the highest level of control and authority is maintained. Decentralization of an organisation refers to the right of middle or lower management to make decisions.

1.Centralization Supports Focused Vision:
A more unified arrangement retains all levels of an organisation centered on one vision or purpose, which is a core characteristic of successful leadership. A company's president or management committee will set and express its mission or plan to staff, ensuring that all levels of the organization are on the same page. This avoids vision inconsistencies and allows businesses to communicate a consistent message to consumers and communities.

2.Fast Execution Becomes Possible:
Centralized companies usually respond more easily to a competitive marketplace when there are less participants participating in debating and agreeing on policy and execution. In a small community, leaders will collect facts and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of various decisions. Which improves the efficiency of coordination and decision-making compared to fragmented systems where many local administrators must engage in the process. Once decisions have been taken, top management issue orders to lower ranks, who must carry them out as ordered.

3.Centralization Supports Focused Vision:
A more unified arrangement retains all levels of an organisation centered on one vision or purpose, which is a core characteristic of successful leadership. A company's president or management committee will set and express its mission or plan to staff, ensuring that all levels of the organization are on the same page. This avoids vision inconsistencies and allows businesses to communicate a consistent message to consumers and communities.

4.Fast Execution Becomes Possible:
Centralized companies respond more easily to a competitive economy because there are less individuals participating in debating and agreeing on policy and execution. In a small community, leaders will collect facts and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of various decisions. Which improves the efficiency of coordination and decision-making compared to localized systems, where many district managers must engage in the process. Once decisions have been taken, senior administrators issue orders to lower ranks, who must carry out the instructions.

Advantages of Decentralisation:

  1. Reduces the burden on top executives:
    Decentralisation relieves top leaders of the responsibility for a variety of tasks. The concentration of power places the whole burden of responsibility on the shoulders of a single executive and his immediate team. This limits the amount of time available to top management, who may be focusing on more critical administrative tasks. As a result, the only way to relieve their responsibility is to delegate decision-making authority to subordinates.

  2. Facilitates diversification:
    Diversification of goods, activities, and economies, for example, is encouraged by decentralization. Diversifying an organisation's operations and starting new lines of manufacturing or delivery would be complicated and challenging for a centralised enterprise with a consolidation of power at the center.

  3. To provide product and market emphasis:
    When competing products enter the market as a result of advances or improvements in consumer preference, a product loses its market share. In such situations, jurisdiction is decentralized to regional units, which provide immediate service when considering price, cost, distribution, novelty, and other factors.

  4. Executive Development:
    Executives in the organization will have the ability to grow their skills by taking action as power is decentralized, and will also prepare them for leadership roles. The company's success is heavily reliant on its professional executives.

  5. It promotes motivation:
    “Decentralisation stimulates the forming of small unified groups,” says Louis A. Allen. Local administrators prefer to weld their employees into tightly organized organized communities because they are granted a lot of authority and collective autonomy.” Employee productivity increases as they get more active in the decision-making process.

  6. Better control and supervision:
    Since supervisors at the lowest ranks will have the power to make unilateral decisions, decentralization guarantees greater oversight and monitoring. As a result, they have a clear understanding of the assignment under their supervision and are able to make changes and correct errors.

  7. Quick Decision-Making:
    The decentralization of decision-making takes the decision-making process closer to the operation. Since decisions do not have to be referred up the hierarchy, lower-level decisions can be made faster.

Disadvantages of Decentralisation:
Decentralization has a lot of advantages. However, whether it is properly designed and continuously supervised for the benefit of the organization as a whole, it can be risky.

Some disadvantages of decentralisation are:

  1. Uniform policies not Followed:
    It is impossible to obey unified rules and protocols while decentralization is in place. Each management can act to set policy based on his abilities.

  2. Problem of Co-Ordination:
    Since power is distributed around the organization, decentralization of authority causes coordination issues.

  3. More Financial Burden:
    Decentralization necessitates the hiring of qualified employees who are willing to recognize authority, which adds to the financial pressure, and a small business cannot afford to hire professionals in different fields.

  4. Require Qualified Personnel:
    If there is a lack of skilled and trained staff, decentralization is rendered futile.

  5. Conflict:
    As a result of decentralization, divisional heads are under further pressure to maximize profits at all costs. Managers often clash in order to reach their latest profit targets.

Centralized vs. Decentralized.
A consolidated organization organization usually includes a headquarters where main employees serve and make the majority of the company's crucial decisions. These decisions are then passed on to local administrators, who carry them out as ordered. Top management also has oversight of decentralized environments, but front line or district administrators have much more flexibility and authority to make decisions that benefit their local economies, consumers, and other stakeholders.

Thank you

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